Friday, January 29, 2010

Kettlebell equals head size?

Do you think Josh chose this kettlebell because it looked like the size of his head? I wouldn't put it past him. ;) Too bad for him his head is so big but lucky for us since he's like a walking encyclopedia of random knowledge.
Push Jerks
5 x 3
AMRAP in 10 min:
7 Pull-Ups
7 Wall Balls
7 Box Jumps

*Have a good weekend!


  1. LOL!!! That's hilarious!! Josh is definitely a good Trivial Pursuit partner :o)

    This sinus infection really slowed me down. I took yesterday off and thought that would be enough but, I ended up dizzy and had to switch to step ups today instead of box jumps. I was bummed to have to stop and put my head between my knees but, glad that I recovered, got back up and worked as best I could until Ginger yelled "done". I managed to kip all my pull ups and used the 15-16lb wall ball. In the end I did 7 rounds + 2 addition kips.

  2. 7 rounds.

    And a 1.5pood kb is way smaller than my head thank you. I have a giant cranium.

