Saturday, July 31, 2010

New CF toy???

Check out the new piece of CFG equipment we rolled in. :) can we incorporate this fun thing into our workouts? If you come up with a viable way to use this boat in a WOD....we'll do it. Put your suggestion in the comments.

In the meantime...hope you are enjoying your weekend, having fun and smiling because life is all good.





3 x max effort



KB Swing


4 Rounds of:

50 squats

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Let's bask in the joy....

Look at the joy and enthusiasm oozing from Landon's client. (full disclosure, that's my son and his lack of joy is fully directed at the Our sport's speed/agility/strength training is in full swing and these boys WORK. More pictures of their fun and hard work to come.



Filthy Fifty (modified)

50 box jumps
50 jumping pull-ups
50 kb swings
50 sit ups (in lieu of KTE)
50 Push Press
50 Wall Ball
50 Burpee
50 Double-Under or 100 singles

Monday, July 26, 2010

Welcome and Farewell to a great couple....

I never did an official welcome for Kevin and Meagan and now they are about to leave us and we're sad! They are awesome and were immediately one of our family. We love their commitment and how they worked it out so they could both get their workouts in while raising a very adorable baby boy! We will miss you both and you simply must come back and visit and stay in touch.

Kevin working on AND achieving multiple muscle-ups during open-gym Saturday.

Meagan working the snatch and OHS. Way to go!!

Deadlift 3 x 5


5 Rounds for time:

5 Toes to Bar
10 lt. snatch
15 Push-Ups

Friday, July 23, 2010

Olympic Weightlifting class very popular

CrossFit Georgetown has been hosting an olympic weightlifting workshop trained by Chad Vaughn which has been very popular. We will be setting up additional workshops with Chad, so stay tuned and sign up fast because the slots are sure to fill up quickly.

Jason gets some coaching from Chad.

As does David.

CrossFit Games week is coming to a close. We obviously couldn't do all the games WODs in one week and some were so brutal we'll have to turn them them team-wods for a later date. We hope you've enjoyed getting a little taste of what the top echelon of athletes did as they competed to be named Fittest On Earth.


From Thursday:

7 Rounds for time (12 minute cap)

3 Cleans (205/135)
4 HSPU (men on rings/women on wall)

Game's Results:

1. Graham Holberg--4:26
2. Chris Spealler--4:27
3. Ben Smith--4:57

1.Kristan Clever--3:37
2. Valerie MacKenzie Voboril--4:09
3. Heather Bergeron--5:01


3 Rounds:

21 KB Swings
10 Burpee Box Jump

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Nothing warms the heart more than.....

...bars loaded up with women doing pull-ups! I love it!

And a special welcome to Julie below, AKA, Landon's mom! Welcome to our crazy family Julie!

(I know I have to catch up on our welcome notices. As I collect photos of people, I'll post their welcome. We are thrilled to be growing. The energy and progress is awesome!)


Event 3

As many rounds as possible in 7 minutes of:
7 deadlifts (315/205 lb.)
Sprint across court
14 pistols
21 double-unders
Sprint back

Top Finishers:


1. Austin Malleolo--242

2. Rich Froning Jr.--242

3. Brandon Phillips--237


1. Annie Thorisodottir--234

2. Christy Phillips--227

3. Kristan Clever--227

Monday, July 19, 2010

CrossFit Games Week

This past weekend were the CrossFit Games and they were AMAZING. This is the first year they were available on live stream so you didn't have to miss a minute. If you did miss anything, the footage is available in their archives which can be found on the CrossFit Games WEBSITE. There you can check out the athletes profiles, see the workouts, check out the results and just get some major motivation by seeing some of the fittest people on earth.


We are going to honor the CF games at CFG this week by experiencing some of the workouts the athletes did in the games. So, get your game face on and compete with the big dogs. :)



Event 1
9-7-5 reps for time of (12 min cap):
Squat snatches (135/95 lb.)

***We will scale when applicable. :)



1. Chris Spealler--3:29
2. Neal Maddox--3:46
3. Rich Froning Jr.--3:47


1. Kristan Clever--5:04
2. Camille Leblanc-Bazinet--7:02
3. Christy Phillips--7:04

Monday, July 5, 2010

Get Ready...the Girls of CrossFit are coming...

I apologize for going MIA at the end of last week. My day job got a bit demanding and before I knew it the weekend was upon me. As most of you know I am going to be heading out to Tennessee tomorrow (7/6...yep, on my birthday...I guess Ginger will be able to enforce the birthday burpee ritual) to join up with my family and we will all be heading home on the 14th. I will try to do my best to keep the blog current, but our Internet is a bit hit and miss out there. But, please chime in here or on the Facebook page with your thoughts on the WODs, results or whatever else you feel like sharing!

weighted step-ups
3 X 10 (5 each side)
3 hang power cleans
3 front squats
3 push press
one the minute for 10 minutes