Monday, August 31, 2009

Molly's kips

Molly has really been working her kipping pull-ups and has been doing great. Here's an example of her efforts.

Press: 3 x 5

Friday, August 28, 2009

Welcome Austin...

We'd like to welcome Austin who's joined our crew. He is a hockey player and real go-getter. Thanks for coming on board, Austin!

5 Rounds of:
15 x Thrusters

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Dana's better half.... :)

I thought it only fitting to put Rebecca on here since Dana (her husband) got all the attention of the last blog with his keys. :) Rebecca has been doing great at CrossFit and is really pushing to go heavier and increase her intensity. Go Rebecca and I hope Dana cleans out his car.

Squats --- KB Swings --- T-Push-Ups
80 ------- 40 -------- 20
64 ------ 32 --------- 16
50 ------- 24 --------- 12
32 ------- 16 --------- 8
16 ------- 6 --------- 4

Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Great Key Search....

Dana lost his keys on Friday and so commenced the Great Key Search. We rifled through sweaty gloves, we lifted all the bumper plates, kettle bells were swinging left and right as we searched. The trash was rummaged, the med-balls flung hither-and-fro while the box jumps were over-turned. Desperate....we even braved the great pit of despair otherwise known as Dana's car. We think we may have lost a man in there but we're hesitant to send a search party for fear of losing any more.
So...has anyone seen Dana's keys? Anyone.....Anyone??????

We love you, Dana!!


5 rounds of:

20 box jumps

15 deadlifts

10 pull-ups

Thursday, August 20, 2009

How they all groan at Burpees!

One of our clients said it best: "When I started Crossfit in December, I was breaking out in a sweat just to get dressed in the morning. Now I break out in a sweat when I see the word Burpee."

(In the picture above, Tammy and Lori pushing through to get 'em done!)
5 Rounds of:
5 Push Jerk
10 Burpees

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Thread the needle...

In the water ski show biz, our boat openers always had this very impressive move called, 'thread the needle' where two boats would come flying through center stage, simingly too close together for anything to zip through them in the opposite direction, but of course there would be another boat that would do just that. The crowd would gasp and clap and it all was all fun and impressive. I couldn't help but think of this maneuver when I took this picture. Ok, maybe less speed and danger but there may have been some gasping involved!! :)



AMRAP in 20 min:

5 pull-up
10 push-up
15 squats

Monday, August 17, 2009

Josh does his own programming....

Here is Josh after he finished his own WOD.
Now, I give Kudos to Josh for not taking the easy way out and just whipping through something that sounded 'doable'. Way to Go, Josh!! I was going to give Josh's WOD to the crew this week but I'd hate for Josh to have to go through that soon. *evil grin*
Josh's WOD:
4 rounds of:
15 Pull-ups
15 Snatch
15 Push-up
100 ft - walking lunge

Friday, August 14, 2009

OPEN HOUSE--Saturday August 15th!!

CrossFit Georgetown is taking part in an open house for the Georgetown Warehouse District tomorrow, August 15th (Saturday) from 12-4 pm. Other businesses who will be there are: Kidsport, Real Deals, Today's Farm, Georgetown Jump and Georgetown Music Studio. There will be jumpers for the kids to play on, refreshments and lots of great enthusiasm for this happening business district. Come and check out all the cool stuff.
We will be on hand at CrossFit to answer any questions you may have. You can check out the gym...see some demonstrations...basically come on in and see what we're all about.



Here is an example of a typical week at CrossFit Georgetown:

10 Rounds of:

10 x wall balls
10 x burpees


2 Rounds for time:

25m waiter's lunge
25m waiter's walk
25 x Med-Ball clean and slam
25m waiter's lunge
25m waiter's walk
25 sit-ups


3 Rounds for time:

400m run
12 Snatch
21 Pull-ups

OHS (overhead squat)

5 x 3

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Welcome Maia!

It's time to officially welcome Maia to CrossFit Georgetown. Of course, Maia will never see this because she never goes on her computer but there ya go. :) We're thrilled to have her.

10 Rounds of:
10 Wall-Balls
10 Burpees

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

CFG Back Open!

Hi Everyone...we are back from vacation, rested and ready to get back to work.

Press 5 x 5