Friday, April 16, 2010

Mental toughness...

So, Friday's workout is what we call an AMRAP which stands for as many rounds as possible. What IS possible? That's up to YOU. There's a balance between what your body is capable of and what your mind allows you to do. Yes, I said 'allow'. Often, the mind shuts down the show before the body is really tapped out. An AMRAP workout really tests your mental toughness. It dangles this this unknown out there. You don't know how much work you're going to do. You just know how long you're going to work.

There is a magic feeling of pushing past where your body feels like it's done but your mind, no, I think we have more work in us. When you're all done, you feel like you've reached the top of the mountain instead of turning around before you got to see the view!



Max Rep Dead Hang Pull-Ups x 3


For Time:

200 x jump rope--40 x sit up--20 x burpee
150 x jump rope--30 x sit up--15 x burpee
100 x jump rope--20 x sit up--10 x burpee
50 x jump rope--10 x sit up--5 x burpee


AMRAP in 20 minutes of:

5 Cleans (full is preferred--135/95)
15 KB Swings


Yoga Holds :)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Lose Weight….NO exercise!!!

Lose Weight….NO exercise!!!

No need to exercise.

Get in shape without ever setting foot in a gym

“Heavy Exercise is Discouraged” (yes it really says ‘discouraged’!)

This type of ad is all over the place for products ranging from injections to shoes and God knows what else, all claiming amazing weight loss results without having to workout. I read these ads and excessive eye-rolling commences. (I’m sure you all are surprised at this!) There is even scoffing! I mean, come ON…where’s the common sense in this? Sure, there are supplements that can fill in your nutritional gaps with vitamins and minerals but get real, you still have to eat a healthy diet and yes, you really do have to exercise.

Also, note they claim ‘weight loss’ and not a FIT and HEALTHY body. You can lose pounds and still be grossly out of shape and unhealthy. The goal should be a HEALTHY body and FIT body and to achieve this you have to MOVE YOUR BODY.

To ignore strength training and metabolic conditioning you are cheating yourself of a fulfilling life. Do you want to be old and not able to stand back up from a sitting position, like from the toilet? NO? Then you better be doing some squats. Do you want to sit up out of bed? You do? Then I suggest you strengthen your core. Do you want to play with your grandchildren? I bet you do….so you better exercise your heart so it’s strong and can keep up with what you WANT to do.

You owe it to yourself to work out. Avoiding this essential part of life is only cheating yourself. Oh, and it’s also cheating your family because they LOVE you and want you to be healthy and stick around for a long time. And being skinny and sick is not helping your lifespan.

So, get up and MOVE! It does a body GOOD!!

(by ginger—getting off my soap box. All above statements are my opinions and I’m entitled to them. Carry on….)


REST DAY--Active rest that is. Do your daily Burpees and Squats! (note today is day 24 of our Spring Challenge)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

And do the twist....

Ab-Twisters that is. It's good to mix up the ab work. Yes, we do a lot of sit-ups, and we basically work our core in every single workout but we like to throw in some fun ab work, like these twists, or med-ball slams, or the ab-wheel of torture. Aren't you just dying to try that out based on the name alone?



Push Press: 3 x 5



Box Jump
Push Up


5 Rounds of:

20 x Back Squat (135/95)
100 yard sprint


Snatch Balance x 30 (with a PVC pipe or very light bar--working on form and learning skill)

Friday, April 9, 2010

We *HEART* Pull-Ups

One of my favorite things to see is a whole lot of people on our pull-ups bars. So many people think they can't do pull-ups. Like it's this unattainable thing that only elite athletes can do. Well, I have news for you. You CAN do pull-ups. Everyone can. Yes, you may start off scaling but you will get stronger and scale less and soon, you'll be kipping and being a big ol' show off at the play ground with your kids.

If you don't believe me, come on in and I'll prove it!



3 x 5


10 Rounds of:

5 Burpee
5 Pull-Ups

*Have a great weekend!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Does your workout make you jump for joy?

Ken's does! :)

Ok, so maybe jump squats were part of this workout so Ken sort of HAD to jump but still....CrossFit is big. The fact that it's addictive, efficient and EFFECTIVE would make anyone jump for joy. No more 90 minutes or more in a gym. No more endless monotony on a treadmill or blasted elliptical. No more going from one machine to the next like a robot. Our bodies ARE our machines! We push, we pull, we jump, we lift...WE MOVE!!!

CrossFit is the Fitness Revolution!



9 Press
100 ft. Walking Lunge
15 Push Press
100 ft. Walking Lunge
21 Push Jerk
100 ft. Walking Lunge


100 ft. of inch worm--hold plank for 10 seconds each time.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Welcome Stephanie, Jeff and Alissa....

Ah, look, blogger allowed me to upload photos again. Yay! To celebrate, let's welcome some new CrossFitters to our gym family.



Alissa--who's not very new but I finally got a photo of her. :)
I'll officially welcome Chris when I get a photo of him too. It's so fun to add to our CrossFit family. Everyone brings something new to the gym. Everyone has their own unique energy and often new clients will pep things up with fresh motivation.


Monday's WOD:

10 Full squat cleans (135/95)
50 sit-ups
8 sq. cleans
40 sits
6 sq. cleans
30 sits
4 sq. cleans
20 sits
2 sq. cleans
10 sits


3 x max rep pull-ups


3 Rounds:

24 KB Swings
12 Push-Ups