Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Look who was spotted at CFG today?

Molly B. is very special to me and I was thrilled she popped into CrossFit today for a workout with her mom. She worked very hard and had fun at the same time.

And, for her very first CrossFit workout…..Filthy Fifty!!! :) What a little warrior!!

Filthy Fifty

For time:

50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees

50 Double unders

Monday, December 27, 2010

Last week of 2010….time to bring it home strong!

We'll start the last week of 2010 with D.T.

Monday, Tuesday and WEDNESDAY---normal class times!
OFF: Thursday and Friday--enjoy your 4-day weekend!



5 Rounds of:

12 Deadlift (155/115)
9 Hang Power Clean
6 Push Jerk

*Use same bar for a 3 elements

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Another bout with The Chief

"The Chief" is a WOD we seem to do fairly often at CFG. It's a great workout physically and mentally. Who's going to increase their weight, or their rounds….or BOTH! Let's see who has it in them.

Jason has great KB swings and it's always impressive to me because, being so tall, he has to move that heavy bell really far!

This photo needs a caption. Leave your idea in the comments. :)


The Chief

5 rounds of--

AMRAP in 3 min:

3 Power Cleans
6 Push Ups
9 Squats

*rest 1 minute between rounds

FRIDAY--CHRISTMAS EVE WOD--9:30 am. Community workout- bring family, friends and a great attitude and we'll have a good time!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Does your gym inspire kids to play?

CFG has always been a family friendly gym, mainly because our own three kids are often hanging around….literally….

They see fitness, intensity and hard work around them which inspires them to do what peers are likely not doing….like pull-ups….

Kids should have fun being active. They should want to be strong and healthy.

At CFG, we inspire kids and in turn, they inspire us! A couple years ago, each of our kids received a fun notebook to be their own CrossFit Journal so they could recored their workouts. Do any of you have a similar story about your kids and CrossFit? We'd love to hear it and if you email a picture to info@crossfitgeorgetown, I'll put them on the blog. :)



AMRAP in 20 of:

5 Pull-Ups
10 Dips
15 OHS


9 Press
100 feet walking lunge
15 Push Press
100 feet walking lunge
21 Push Jerk
100 feet walking lunge


med-ball AB-wheel

Wednesday: REST DAY---Christmas Shopping!! :)

NOTE: Friday 12/24 there will only be ONE workout at 9:30 am. It's a group workout. All are welcome. Feel free to bring your family and friends to show them the crazy workouts you do!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

CFG Oly lifters make the OlyAlthlete page!

Look who made the OlyAthlete Facebook page for their OlyAthlete t-shirt sighting! The workshop is coached by Chad Vaughn. The next workshop will begin early January (Tuesday nights), right after the holidays. Each workshop runs for 4 weeks. Mark your calendars and improve your olympic lifts, your strength, your flexibility and be coached by a amazing athlete. You will NOT regret it.



CPU: 3-3-3-1-1-1


10 Minutes:

On the minute 3 Cleans @ your CPU 1 RM
Double-Unders for rest of minute

**Score is number of DU's.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Official CFG Mascot stops by….

Giavanna came by the gym today to cheer on the 8:45 class. After greeting everyone with love and barks, she settled down safely so she wouldn't get hurt by weights being thrown around. She says she might start coming by more often since everyone was very nice to her.


Important shout out: Yesterday's was max-out deadlift day and I watched Becca beat her last PR by 20 lbs with a 185 pound pull! Way to go, Becca!!!!


For time:

21 OHS, 5 KTE, 9 Burpee
15 OHS, 5 KTE, 15 Burpee
9 OHS, 5 KTE, 21 Burpee


2 x wall squats for 90 seconds each

**10 burpee penalty for coming off the wall before 90 seconds

PM: Olympic Class with Chad Vaughn from OlyAthlete--Max Out day!!!

NOTE: Next Oly class will start at the first of the year--Tuesdays! Clear your schedule because you don't want to miss out!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Monday already?

And where did that weekend go? This is our last FULL week before we have a couple of weeks with holiday scheduling. (Who's looking forward to our annual Christmas Eve morning Group Workout? I know you are!! Admit it.) We have a week packed with intensity so get ready to bring it!

Here's Heather in one of her first workouts with us. She's been pushing hard from day one.


Skill: Pistols-3 x 10 each leg

Deadlift 3-3-3-1-1-1
3 Rounds of:

15 Deadlifts (@ 60-65% of 1rm)
20 pull-ups

Friday, December 3, 2010

The true spirit of the CrossFit community

Some people don't understand what is different about a CrossFit gym compared to a big box gym. The answer is, a lot of things. But paramount is the community, the true SPIRIT of a CrossFit family. An perfect example of this happened this morning and I snapped a picture to illustrate.

Here are Tanya, Heather, Molly and Kathy. What is so special about this picture is that Kathy was a round back from the other girls, who had finished and were trying to recover. When Kathy took off for her last 100m run, all 3 took off with her, to run as a team and then cheered her on through all 15 of her last push-ups to finish the workout.
In a CrossFit Gym, you work as hard as you can. You compete with yourself and sometimes with your classmates. You capitalize on your strengths and you face your demons. But you cheer on everyone, all the time, because we're just kind of awesome like that!




7 Rounds of--

5 Clean and Jerks
100m sprint
15 Push-Ups

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Holiday Special -- START today!

January 1st is right around the corner. That time of year notorious for making 'resolutions' to get in shape, lose weight, create good habits. But resolutions fail more often than they succeed. Why not 'trick' yourself into success. Don't wait until January 1st to start on the path to health and fitness. Start NOW!

Wouldn't it be so much better when January 1st rolled around, you could start your new year already well on your way? They say it takes 21 days to develop a new habit. That gives you December. And to help you, we are offering first time clients a 50% discount for December. We want you to succeed. We want 2011 to be the year you achieved your highest fitness level…to finally lose those unwanted inches and pounds. Give yourself an early Christmas present and we'll support you! :)
Contact us at:

10 KTE
20 Pull-Ups
60 Wall Balls
80 KB Snatch (40 each side)
100 Squats


Ab Wheel w/ med ball