Monday, November 30, 2009

How does a CrossFitter spend Black Friday?

With a big ol' group workout of course! CrossFit Georgetown held a Black Friday WOD and it was come one-come all. We had some family members of our clients come and work out (great to meet them!), we had kids all the way to was AWESOME!

This is what they had to do in groups of 5 (one team of 6)...only one member of each group working out at a time. They could divvy up the work to appeal to their team member's individual strengths or share it equally. They could do the stations in any order they wanted to but they had to complete one station before moving on to another one. The waiter's walking lunge was last and had to be done as a team, one person lunging at at time.

Here's Ken knocking out some KB swings for his team.

Tammy doing her thrusters, Delaney waiting for her turn. You can see the burpee station in the background.

The 1st place team with the finish line in their sight. Melonie bringing it home!

The whole Motley Crew! :)
Thanks very much for joining us. It was a lot of fun. Be on the look out for another one soon!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A couple that works out together.....

Um....sweats together?

At CFG we have many couples. Some take the same class and others are split morning and night. Some don't want to work out together at all...others really enjoy it and it brings them closer. Ken and Molly here enjoy doing a workout together. They encourage each other and pretty much anyone who works out with Ken and there's running involved will be pushed unless you're too busy choking on his dust.

Love the High-Five on the fly.

So what about you....workout with your sweetie or No Way? Are you more competitive with your significant other than with other classmates? Anyone want to trip Ken on the next running WOD? (kidding Ken--we love you!)




5 x 3


For Time:

10 HPC (Hang Power Clean)






--you get the picture...continue to last round of--



Friday, November 20, 2009

Attention Major....drop and give me Birthday Burpees....

Yes, that's right, I'm a lowly civilian giving a major an order...what of it? Can I hear a 'Yes Ma'am!'

Ok, truth be told, his wife, our very own Lissa, gave her husband (a fellow CrossFitter who works out down at Camp Mabry) the order---BUT---it was my idea!

Hey Jim--nice Burpees too! Way to go and.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!



For time:


50 Wall Balls

15 Pull-ups


50 Wall Balls

15 Pull-ups


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Hhmmm....what is Josh thinking?

I love catching 'a look' and trying to imagine the thoughts behind it. Josh can be pretty 'colorful' so the possibilites are endless, especially as I know this WOD was brutal. :) Way to push through it, Josh.

3 x 5
50 Thrusters (45/35)
40 Double-Unders (or 80 singles or 40 tuck jumps)
30 KB Swings (53/35)
20 Reverse overhead lunges (thruster weight for bar)
10 Burpees

Friday, November 13, 2009

Bob's Progress

I have to acknowledge Bob's progress because he's doing so well. The mobility in his shoulder seems to improve almost daily. We are anxiously waiting to hear what the doctor says after his next check up. Bob exemplifies determination!!! We're proud of you, Bob!

When we meet Bob, he could not lift his arm up (never mind any weight) to parallel. Check him out!
5 Rounds of--
15 x Hang Squat Cleans
30 x Push-ups

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Cash-Outs---love em, hate em...just do them!

Here are the girls from the 8:30 class doing their cash-out for the day--Chair Salutations. Our cash-outs are all sorts of things and yes, as evidenced by the picture, sometimes there is even yoga. Many CrossFit gyms do cash-outs and of course many don't. They are new to CrossFit Georgetown and we have heard some grumbling and moaning about them but they're staying. It's like this. CrossFit is sort of a party--ok, a hard, grueling, fitness party, but one where you are never disappointed you showed up when it's time to leave. So, the Cash-Out is like your party favor for coming--your Goodie Bag!

We're starting our next rotation in our strength series. We'll be working the Bench Press, the Overhead Squat and the Deadlift for the next 3-4 weeks. Afterwhich we'll have completed 3 rotations and will be ready to do our CrossFit totals again and see how far we've come!
Bench Press
3 x 5
12 x deadlift
sprint 50 yds
9 x deadlift
sprint 100 yds
6 x deadlift
sprint 150 yds
*this WOD is fast and will totally kick your butt if you get your deadlifts heavy enough and sprint all out!!! Go for it.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Go Colleen!!

Colleen is not a fan of her picture on the blog but I honestly couldn't not share this photo of her giving it 110%! She works so hard and now that she and her husband, Bob, have been doing Paleo, their performance is only going to get better along with the changes in their body composition. Keep your eye on them because they will be huge success stories for CrossFit Georgetown. Keep working it, Colleen!

Clean (hang or full)
Box Jump
**This workout is brutally good! Try it. :)