Friday, October 30, 2009

Trick-or-Treats from Lissa--Thank YOU!

Our wonderful client, Lissa, made CrossFit Georgetown some Paleo Trick-or-Treat goodies. They are filled with nuts and seeds and dried fruit. YUM!! Thank you so much, Lissa! Everyone loves them.

Happy Halloween!!!
((resist the candy))
Front Squat
Jump Rope--100
Jump Rope--80
Jump Rope--60
Jump Rope--40
Jump Rope--20

Thursday, October 29, 2009

GSA's Force 96 boys team train at CrossFit

Ok, so we've had a ton of rain of late. I mean...a lot...which means rained-out soccer practices. But the boys from Georgetown Soccer Association's Force FC 96 team still have to train so CrossFit Georgetown rolled up its doors for the boys to get some agility drills and metabolic conditioning in.

Here's Grey finishing up some toe-taps. Coach Brad (of Infinity Futbol) keeping track of what the boys have done.

Michael getting good height on his burpees.

The boys loved band pull-ups. Here's Phillip doing a set.

Here's Drew, with the help of Duncan, working on ball-headers.

Brandon, Greyson and Phillip on the jump ropes.

5 Rounds for time of:
7 Full Cleans
30 Squats

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Cody's 90 lb Push Jerk

This is Cody's 90 lb Push Jerk from last week. Yesterday she did 95lb with even stronger form. Way to Go Cody!!


Mr. Joshua

5 Rounds of:


30 sit ups

15 Deadlift

Friday, October 23, 2009


Josh frequently subs rowing for running which is a great option for anyone suffering from an injury or for whatever reason, can't run. This is actually Josh's rower and we're grateful he's let its 'home' be CrossFit Georgetown. Our goal is to get some C2's!!

5 x 3
1 to 10 to 1 Pyramid
Wall Ball

Monday, October 19, 2009

Welcome Madison to our CrossFit family!!

Madison is one of our newest members and we think she's awesome. She is in training for her club volleyball season and is looking to play college ball next year so she's one to keep your eye on. The moment Madison walks in the gym, the energy level goes up and there's this great vibe about the place.

Not only is she beautiful...check out her groovin' socks. :)

I just wish she wasn't so camera shy. *snerk* I think if she has time to smile, I better make it harder.

Pull-ups...she'll be off this band and kipping in no time!

Ok, this picture totally blurred but I think it looks cool. She's running in from her 1st 400m run on "Helen". Go Madison!!
Front Squat
5 x 3
5 Rounds of:
12 Deadlift
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Push Jerks
*Use the same weight for each lift.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Early Days

As we approach our 1 year anniversary as a CrossFit Affiliate, I thought I'd share some pictures from our early days. Like many affiliates, we started in our garage and quickly out grew that. We are as enamored, if not more so, with our CrossFit journey today than on day 1. There's not a day where we don't live, breathe and believe in CrossFit. It has made our lives richer simply from the fact that we are changing the lives of others.

Our white board isn't even's leaning against the wall. That was our one little barbell stand at the time.

Here's a better view of the chin-up bars. Fred Pendlebury, the father of one of our clients (who is also our brother-in-law) helped us put the chin-up bars in.


3 x 5
Met Con--

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Yes and No...

This picture can't help but make me think YES on form and NO on form. all truthfulness, Bill is not set yet so it doesn't really count as a form check. That said, I've seen people do deadlifts with their backs all rolled over like an Easter egg. Eeek!! So, let's say for the sake of argument, that Molly is an example of what you should look like before you pull your deadlift and Bill is definately not. If we're going to be picky, and yes...we should always be picky...Molly should actually lower her head to keep a nice straight line through her neck as well. We'll work on that. :)

3 x 5

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

An overdue welcome to Lissa!!

Lissa does an awesome job in the gym. She always got her game face on and she continually pushes herself. We're excited for her this next month as she's just started the 30-day Paleo Challenge. Go Lissa!!



10 Rounds of:

30 seconds wall-ball
30 seconds box jump

*rest 1 minutes between rounds

Cash Out:

50 x Slam Balls