Monday, March 29, 2010

Technical difficulties and Challenge Update

Hi Gang! For some reason, I can't upload any pictures today. I don't know what's going on but I don't have time to mess with it any more right now. So....I'll figure it out, I hope, by tomorrow! In the meantime, I want to give an update on our Challenge. Let people check in and that sort of thing.

We are on Day 8 of the Board Short and Bikini Spring Challenge. That means that if you've been keeping up, you should be doing your 8 burpees today, along with your 5 minutes of squat therapy and 50 squats that you do every day. If you've skipped a day or two (say over the weekend, like I did) you'll have to catch up. For me that meant 21 burpees and 150 squats this morning as my warm-up before the WOD. :)


How is everyone doing? Any feedback and support for others? How about your nutrition? Have you dialed it in to support your efforts and help you succeed? Give an update.


BENCHMARK WORKOUT (done last week)
1 Clean and Jerk (rx for men= 155lb)
1 round Cindy
2 Clean and Jerk
1 round Cindy
3 Clean and Jerk
1 round Cindy
continue until last round of:
10 Clean and Jerks
1 round Cindy

**William took a picture of the white board at the end of the day (the picture I wanted to put up here!) In any case, when we repeat this WOD at the end of our challenge, we can post the two white board pictures and see all our progress.


Monday's WOD:

5 Rounds of:

80 Jump ropes (or 40 double-unders)
30 Box Jumps
20 KB Swings

Tabata Squats
((Keep track of your total and you can ADD IT to your running squat total for the challenge.))

Thursday, March 25, 2010

CFG Endorses Advocare!!


One of the great things about CrossFit is the community. For clients, community is the bond made when working out together and, sometimes, competing with each other. For those of us who own and operate a CrossFit gym, community is the sharing of ideas to increase the success of our clients, which ultimately translates into increased business success.


Many of the training and nutrition ideas we have implemented at CrossFit Georgetown are ideas that have proven successful at other affiliates, and so now we have turned our attention to supplementation. We always planned to “carry” a line of supplements and have been approached by several people wanting us to endorse/sell their products but we just never found one that we felt was a good fit for us. We have known for some time that many affiliates use and recommend Advocare to their clients (interestingly, no one had approached us about Advocare) but it was last summer when we noticed that many of the top performers at the CrossFit Games included Advocare in their diet that we decided to take a closer look and we liked what we saw. We also saw success after success from other crossfitters so we decided to try the products ourselves—be the guinea pigs—and have been very happy with the results.


One of the things we like most about Advocare is how extensive the product line is. Do we recommend that everyone take every product? Absolutely not. These products, like everything about training, are very goal specific and we would be glad to let you know what we have been taking and why and then take a look at what may be best for your specific goals. To get an idea of what is available, you can visit our “web store”.


Tomorrow I will post the Benchmark WOD everyone is doing today for our Board Short and Bikini Spring Challenge. With luck...I'll have pictures too! To those who have already finished it...WAY TO GO! To the night crew...BE READY!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

You know that feeling after the workout is done....

For some it's hang out time. Stretch. Have some water. Lay on the ground and hope your heart gets control of itself. It's definitely bonding time!!


This week CFG launched a 75 days challenge as a lead-in to summer. It's going to be a lot of fun and you'll get out of it what you put into it. Appropriately, the sun is shining, birds are chirping, allergies's really SPRING!!!



Monday--10 rounds of 15 deadlift (135/95) with 10 KTEs

Tuesday--5 Rounds of 15 OHS (95/65) with 200m runs

**We are on day 2 of the daily challenges which means, this is day 2 of your 5-minutes of squat therapy and this is your second day of 50 squats. If you missed your 50 squats yesterday, do 100 today to catch up. I wouldn't fall too far behind!!

Also, you should have done 1 burpee yesterday and today, you have 2 burpees. :)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

CFG Closed next week for Spring Break. HOMEWORK Workouts included.......

As last year, we will close for Spring Break. Below is a picture of we did with our week off! :) What are you all doing? What sort of fun do you have planned? Lots of 'active rest' go along with the workouts we planned for you as your Homework.

Click on image below to enlarge



NOTE: If you have any questions, post them in the comments or email us. You can mix up this order if it works better with your schedule. Just be mindful that you split up your elements, for instance, give yourself a break between burpees and the wod with push-ups. We will be retesting the 5K at the end of our challenge, so make sure you time yourself. For those of you who scale your running...try a 3K instead of a 5K.


Have a great week you all! We'll miss seeing you and we look forward to coming home and getting our challenge kicked off.

~William and Ginger

Friday, March 12, 2010

What...a week without pull-ups?

That's right. Next week we'll be doing workouts that don't require 'equipment' so a break from pull-ups. Which means we gave everyone a whole-lotta-pull-ups on Friday to tide them over.

Reminder: We will be closed next week for Spring Break. I will put a notice up on the blog for the week along with the Spring Break Homework WODs. One of the workouts is a benchmark one to kick off our Spring Board Short and Bikini Challenge. Check the blog over the weekend for more about the Challenge and to see the Homework WODS.


Hang Power Cleans
5 x 3


AMRAP in 10 min:

10 Thrusters
10 Pull-Ups

Thursday, March 11, 2010

A good pair....

We do a lot of combining of elements in CrossFit, from pairs of exercises to triplets and on. Today we're doing a classic pair as everyone takes on "Nancy". Running and Overhead Squats just hits everything all while keeping it simple. It's like a classic combo.




5 Rounds of--

15 OHS



Planks (elbows)

2 x 1 minute

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The REAL food pyramid....

I think I'm going to order a slew of these as posters and should tape them over the atrocious food pyramid posters you see in every doctor's office.

I can not tell you how awesome I feel now that I actually know how to eat. As loathe as I am to admit that I didn't know everything my whole life....I didn't. I spent way too many years eating little to no protein and thinking that cheese was a vital food group. I've also recently adjusted my stance on supplements. I understand that our bodies don't produce everything we need to achieve our goals. Food isn't the only source of nutrients and if you choose wisely (as we have with AdvoCare) you can eat a clean and supplemented diet, work out hard and achieve any goal you have. It can be done!



Monday, March 8, 2010

Our jungle-gym....

One of my favorite things is seeing a whole lot of people working out on our pull-up station. We love our pull-up bars and they can support a lot of people. Normally it doesn't take people long to get on the bars and have some fun.



For time:

21 Deadlift
30 sit-ups
15 Deadlift
20 sit-ups
9 Deadlift
10 sit-ups



Wall Squats

2 x 1 minute each

Friday, March 5, 2010

Welcome Johnny, Susan and Barret.....

Time to welcome our new CrossFit Georgetown peeps....



and Barret.

Welcome to the family!!! ;)



10 KTE
20 Pull-Ups
40 Box-Jumps
60 Wall Balls
80 KB Swings
100 Squats


Pistols--25 each leg

Have a great weekend!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Children programming....

I had to chuckle this week with the incident in the news about the child directing airplanes from the flight control tower. No, I wasn't chuckling about that. That was not right...but it brought to mind the whole concept of bringing your child to work day. Our kids LOVE to be at the gym with us. They often help us. Sometimes they are working out. What I think is their favorite thing to do is make-up workouts for our clients. The vast majority of these we shoot down, I'm sure resulting in much appreciation. For instance, Delaney always wants to make everyone do burpees, I mean a LOT of burpees. She usually puts 1000 burpees in the warm up. :) But sometimes, they really think about it and come up with some great stuff. Today is one of those days. Everyone is doing one that Duncan made up. It's a great workout and a lot of fun. I hope you'll give it try!



Press 5 x 3


"Donut" (Duncan chose the name)

AMRAP in 10 minutes of:

5 sit-ups
5 push-ups
5 Pull-Ups
50m sprint

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Time to get inverted

See now, in the summer, inverted would mean trying some really fun waterskiing tricks. At Crossfit, if often means it's time for some hand stand push ups. (HSPU) We talked a lot today about how to scale HSPU and the progression to learning them. Here's a GREAT ARTICLE from Drills and Skills with images that will show you everything you need to know.

Look how happy Jana always looks! How do you DO that?

Jason has been staying after class lately and working on a variety of skills, one of which is handstands. He's making great progress from his extra efforts. Way to go, Jason!


5 Rounds of--

100 feet of walking lunge



2 minutes of max rep sit-ups