Friday, January 29, 2010

Kettlebell equals head size?

Do you think Josh chose this kettlebell because it looked like the size of his head? I wouldn't put it past him. ;) Too bad for him his head is so big but lucky for us since he's like a walking encyclopedia of random knowledge.
Push Jerks
5 x 3
AMRAP in 10 min:
7 Pull-Ups
7 Wall Balls
7 Box Jumps

*Have a good weekend!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Welcome Landon and Nick to the Dark Side

Last week, Landon and Nick joined us at CFG, or more specifically, our Dark Side class at 5:15 am. It's GREAT to have these guys. They show up, work hard and kick butt. I'm not going to dock them any points for calling me Ma'am. Both are athletes at Georgetown High School and we couldn't be happier they've joined the ranks.

"Dude--how many burpees did she say we had to do?"

They found our invisible chairs.
OHS (95/65)
Wall Squats
2 x 1 minute
*10 burpee penalty--and I know you won't want to do any more burpees!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Welcome Lora Lee

We'd love to welcome Lora Lee to CrossFit Georgetown!

Ok, this isn't really Lora Lee. I keep forgetting to take a picture of Lora Lee during her workouts even though I bring my camera in and put it where I'll see it. And then we get to talking.... Anyhoo, Lora Lee said I could put a picture of Jessica Biel up here in her place, like she'd give up her blog spot to Jessica. Isn't Lora Lee sweet? Actually, she is very sweet and I've loved getting to know her. And she still seems to like me even after I've confiscated her scale.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

But, whole grains are healthy, right? ... NO.

We've been talking nutrition a lot lately at CFG which has got me thinking that maybe we need a nutrition workshop. Anyone on board with that idea? Anyhoo...generally when we encourage our clients to try the Paleo diet, the hardest thing to give us is usually those grains--bread, pasta, rice, tortillas, oatmeal, etc. I mean, don't they look delicious?

But they cause a reaction in your body that is in direct conflict with your fitness goals, assuming your goals are fat loss and overall health and fitness. In fact they cause all sorts of other issues that you may not even realize, especially from ones loaded with gluten. They acerbate allergies, cause skin breakouts and can wreck havoc with your hormone levels.
Can anyone tell me what's wrong with this food pyramid? The same food pyramid poster than hangs in most doctor's least it's hanging in almost every pediactric exam room I've been in. This pyramid is what is prescribed for our children and yet we are facing a huge epidemic of childhood obesity. Why? One factor is the largest slice of that food-pie contains all processed foods.

If you'd like to read more about gluten and how it negatively effects your body, here's a great article.

Now, please pass the meat and veggies!! :)


7 rounds of:
8 KB Swings
16 Push Ups

Monday, January 25, 2010

Returning after a break...

It's been nice to see Dana and David back in the gym after their 2-month CrossFit Hiatus. Occasionally there are times when you want to --or have to-- take a break from the gym. Whether it be job related, health related and even emotional. Whatever the reason...what's the hardest part of coming back? What brings you back at all? CrossFit can be done on your own, in a home gym or even at a big-box gym if you can get creative with equipment. What is the benefit of joining a CrossFit gym and working out with a class?

5 x 3
4 Rounds of:
7 rotations doing 1 rep each in order---
Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
Good Morning

Friday, January 22, 2010

What's your strategy?

There is a sense of strategy in many of our workouts. They are timed and you're going for your best effort with the highest weight you can safely handle coupled with the highest degree of intensity so you don't die on us. Bill here is a perfect example of using strategy to get his best time because he is ALWAYS competing, not only with himself but with his classmates as well. See his abmat all situated below him so he can to a quick roll over from push-ups to sit-ups. It's fractions of a second but to Bill, it's worth it. You should see him go from HSPU (off the plyo-box) to sit ups. It's a sight to behold!! :)
What tricks to you all use?

5 Rounds:
15 Thrusters
3 x 20 one-legged deadlifts (using dumbells for extra intensity)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Pay Attention...

"We have to review cleans again?"
CFG: "Yes, we do."
"But I already know how."
CFG: "I know."
"So I don't think--"
CFG: "Don't think--Just Do."
We still review the lifts for each workout. Repetition promotes muscle memory, which promotes proficiency, which promotes safety, which promotes efficiency at a more intense level, which promotes achieving a higher level of fitness....which promotes the purpose of CrossFit Georgetown...helping you achieve your goals to be more fit. YAY!! So, let's review those cleans--again!

3 x MAX
For time, alternate between:
Deadlifts 15-12-9-6-3
Burpees 3-6-9-12-15

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Get aggressive...

As you become more familiar and comforatable with lifts, especially the olympic lifts, you can add intensity and aggression to move the weight. Rae Ann here has been with us roughly a year and her confidence in herself and her belief at what she can do has shown up in not only how much stronger she is physically, but mentally as well. She trusts herself and her body responds by performing well.

REST DAY--Enjoy! :)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Split Jerks

A few of the guys starting working split jerks on our Push-Jerk day. It was a great exercise in exploring different ways to do lifts. They all dropped their weights lower than their max and really focused on body mechanics.

Tabata Mash-Up
KB Swings
Wall Balls
Reverse Lunges
Squat Runs (alt. leg each round)
3 x 10 T-Push Ups

Monday, January 18, 2010

Welcome Cody....

We have another Cody we'll have to think of a nickname or something but a big welcome to Cody. He leaves in June for the Army so he's training for his PT test and overall fitness. It's great to have you!

Push Jerk
3 x 5
5 Rounds of:
3 Hang Power Cleans
6 Box Jumps
9 Push Ups
12 Sit-Ups

Friday, January 15, 2010

CFG's New Mascot!

I hope you'll indulge me as I share a picture of our new family member and new mascot for CrossFit Georgetown. This is Giavanna, 14 weeks old. Ok, so she's not very tough looking and maybe you're thinking she's a better mascot for Curves or Jazzercise (wink!!) but don't let her cute and seemingly innocent face fool you. She a toughie...leaps up onto couches with a single bound, chomps onto fingertips with one ferocious snap and don't underestimate her ability to drag objects around 3 times her weight. I think she'll make us proud!

3 x 5
Alternating DU's (double-unders) with Sit-Ups:
**For those who can't do DU's, double the reps for single-jumps. (100-80...20)
Have a GREAT weekend!! ;)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Welcome to Jason and Marianne

We're very happy to welcome 2 more people to our 'Dark Side' early morning class---Jason and Marianne. We're happy you're with us!! They are already doing awesome.

For time:
9 Press
15 Push Press
21 Push Jerk
Cash Out:
50 Slam Balls

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Group WODs

It's been so fun to have the classes full. Yes, there is some jockeying for space but that just adds to the fun and 'constantly varied'. The energy in the gym is high and good and contagious. Let's keep it up.


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Digging Deep

There's something about Tabata Pull-Ups that makes you dig deep as evidenced by the expressions of Melonie and Colleen. I love seeing people really find the strength and stamina deep inside them....stuff they may not have even known they had. I believe we are all capable of more than we think we are. We have to believe it and find it!

Pull-Ups--3 x Max Reps

Monday, January 11, 2010

Pull Up Convention?

There's nothing quite so lovely a picture of a whole lot'a people doing pull-ups together. It just warms the heart. :) This shot is from last week's Tabata, CFG's first WOD of the year!

Filthy Fifty (modified slightly for CFG)
Box Jump
Jumping Pull-Up
KB Swing
Walking Lunge
Push Press
Wall Ball

Thursday, January 7, 2010

More Welcome Notices!

CrossFit Georgetown is growing and growing. Yay!! Here are a few shots we got of some of our new clients.

Welcome to Jackson S. who is doing CrossFit for an advanced Boy Scout merit certification.
Here's Terrence who I think is still trying to recover from his first week of soreness. It gets better and better Terrence...we promise!

Welcome to Tricia, a teacher in our midst. Thank you for the job you do educating our youth and we're thrilled you've joined us. You CAN do it! :)

And Mario, a police officer, who also deserves big thanks for what you do to serve our communities. Whatever you do, just don't beat Melonie in a workout! (his wife!)
KB Swings 10 to 1
Burpees 1 to 10
Cash Out:
L-hangs---5 x max hold

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Start em young...

This is Duncan, AKA--our middle child. :) He works really hard at CrossFit whenever he can come to the gym, whether he's joining in on the workout or helping us out getting people in and out of bands, schlepping weights, marking name it. Whenever he's there though, you can count on him to work on his kipping pull-ups. Here he is during the Lumberjack 20 WOD on Christmas Eve day.
We think it is so important to get kids involved in fitness as young as possible. The key is to make it fun so they don't know their working out...because that term has that dreaded word in it...'work'. We all need to work off steam, develop muscle and get the blood flowing. It helps every aspect of our lives. This is especially true for our youth. They spend a lot of hours in school, cooped indoors sitting at desks. They will be better prepared to apply themselves mentally if their physical body has been exhausted. They will sleep better, should eat better (stress high quality food here!), feel better and hence study better. It's a whole package!

Monday--Tabata Something Else
Cleans (135/95)
Ring Dips

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy New Year!!!!

It wasn't my intention to take a 'leave' from the blog over the holidays but it happened. Life always gets so hectic, even though it's fun. One of my goals for 2010 is to update this blog regularly. I can't promise I'll be perfect but I'll do my best to update it daily during the week.
We have had such a fantastic year with CrossFit Georgetown and already we've gained many new clients to start the year off right. In fact, 3 of our classes are now at capacity and we'll start a wait-list for anyone intestested in those time slots. (5:15 am, 5:30 pm and 6:30 pm) There are still openings in our 8:30 am class and my Tues/Wed/Thurs 9:30 am class.
The pictures below are from a very special group workout we did on Christmas Eve morning. We did the Lumberjack 20. This is a workout to honor the soldiers who were members of Lumberjack CrossFit in Ft. Hood and fell victim to the senseless shooting that occured there. It was a COLD and WINDY morning, sleeting by the end of the workout and I applaud everyone who came out and honored these soldiers with us. It put things in perspective just before Christmas when excess is always abundant and it was good to remember that not everyone is so blessed with joy.

One set of partners doing the run.
Molly and Gary doing the deadlifts, Grey waiting for his turn.

Stephanie knocking out her burpees, which I know she can't stand. Way to stick with it Stephanie!

Bill and Grey completing the pull-ups

All done and still smiling...or that could be because their faces are frozen.
Lumberjack 20
20 deadlift (275 lbs)
20 KB swing (2 pood)
20 OHS (115 lbs)
20 Burpee
20 Pull-Up
20 Box jump
20 Squat clean (95lb)
***I should note that we did this as a partner WOD, teams of 2. Each person did have to complete 20 reps of each exercise (wt. scaled appopriately) but they could share the running, each doing 200m or taking turns...whatever they worked out. It was hard work but a lot of fun.