Thursday, February 25, 2010

Anyone ready for Spring?

The snow was fun. Now it's melted. And, Spring is more than welcome to come on in! We are working on a challenge for everyone to get ready for summer. So be ready for some fun stuff to jump start us into our warmer temps with less clothing. :)



"Something Nasty"


alternated with...

KB Swings---10-20-30-40-50


Scissor Abs

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

CrossFit Georgetown has a Snow Day!!!

It's unprecedented and hasn't happened since Valentine's Day 2004 but Georgetown, Texas actually had a true Snow Day today. Because of possible icy roads after dark and because, was time to play in the snow....CrossFit moved tonight's classes to tomorrow and in lieu of a WOD in the gym, we had a snow ball fight for time.....

Duncan getting ready to beam his poor father.

Um, said father beaming Duncan right back.

Greyson getting in on the mix.

Delaney takes her workout seriously and did some push-ups.

Duncan (who needs to get back on his heels!!) and Grey with snowball cleans. :)


Happy Snow Day!!!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Late Monday post...

It's still Monday right? We've had a beautiful weekend. It was 70 and sunny yesterday. Tomorrow they are forecasting snow. That's Texas! So before the snow hits, our crew was out running 800's.

Align Center



7 rounds of:

5 snatch grip deadlift
5 Hang Snatch



3 x max hold L-hang

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Happy Birthday (big) Josh!!

Yesterday was Josh's birthday, so since Wednesday our rest day, he's getting with birthday workout tonight along with his very own CASH OUT. Josh always gives everything he's got to his workouts.

He's not afraid of pain and discomfort....

And...he leaves it all on the floor when he's done...or at least a lot of sweat is left behind. :) We love you Josh!


Of course we had to give Josh a Hero's WOD and one of a fellow namesake so we're tackling--
"Mr. Joshua"
5 Grueling Rounds of:
30 Sit Ups
15 Deadlift (250#)
*Josh--RX this baby and beat your time from Oct!
Birthday Burpees!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Pancakes for Fat Tuesday!!

Last night was Fat Tuesday, the night before the season of Lent. It's the night to gorge yourself on pancakes. Yes, load up on the fluffy, yummy, gooey, goodness. But wait, you can't have these pancakes....on no, these aren't Paleo.

But you can make these:

Pumpkin Paleo Pancakes
(Recipe found on THIS SITE)

  • 1 whole egg
  • 2 egg whites
  • 1/2 cup smooth almond butter
  • 1/2 cup pureed pumpkin
  • 1/2 tsp nutmeg
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla
  • I also sprinkled in some ginger and cloves, but didn’t measure…probably 1/4 tsp or less
  • 2 tbsp unsweetened applesauce (read the label! apples only)

photoThis is really the easiest recipe ever. Step 1: Put all ingredients in a bowl. Step 2: Mix thoroughly. I used a whisk, and at first I didn’t think it was going to work. All of a sudden, everything came together to form a thick, creamy batter. See?

Since the batter is so thick, I made silver-dollar pancakes. I think these were the perfect size for brunch, plus they were super easy to flip. Just heat a pan or skillet, add some coconut oil, and cook about 3 minutes on each side.

I served my pancakes with chopped pecans and a blackberry “jam” (blended blackberries and unsweetened applesauce in the food processor). There’s a lot of room for creativity here- I think next time I might try some baked apples with

***Full Disclosure--don't expect these to taste anything like traditional pancakes because they don't. They weren't bad though. We warmed up some frozen berries and drizzled them on our pancakes and they were pretty good. And don't forget bacon on the side! ;)


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

And we're back....

Sorry we went MIA for a few days. We took an unplanned hiatus on Friday and Monday...I guess for President's Day. :) But here we are, back to program. I hope everyone had a nice long weekend as we did.


Below is Cody, working hard to get ready for his army PT test.


Monday's WOD:

AMRAP in 12 minutes of:

7 Pull-Ups

Tuesday's WOD:

7 Rounds of:

10 KB Swings
10 Ring Dips

Thursday, February 11, 2010

CFG members jump for joy...

Doesn't it look like Josh and Bill are in the frogger game? We just need to photoshop in some floating logs. :)




Hang Power Snatch



One-leg wall squats x 2 min. // alternate leg every 10 sec.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Kettlebell window

We work hard at getting people to look through that window during kettlebell swings. Here's Molly's very good example at what we're talking about. Also, Molly has great kettlebell form which is really evident at how relaxed she looks at this moment of the swing. She's not using her arms. She's used such a great hip drive that the bell is swinging up and hitting its apex where she's almost giving her a moment of ease. Just a mere moment mind you. :)



Push Jerk



20-18-16-14....2 Push Ups
2-4-6-8-.........20 KTE

Monday, February 8, 2010

Energy of movement

So much of what we do in CrossFit is put energy into movement. How else can we aggressively move such heavy loads. It's all about tapping into the hub of our power source...our hips and core and then into our extremities.

Melonie is showing a fantastic example of this energy. That bar is essentially floating up because of her good hip drive and aggressive shrug and she's about to whip those elbows through and catch the bar in a stable position. Way to go, Melonie!!
Delaney's Double-Digit Demise
3 Rounds of:
10 Deadlifts
15 Burpees
20 Squats
Hollow Rock for 1 minute
Superman for 1 minute

Friday, February 5, 2010


There is something supercharged about that very first moment of a workout. The moment right after GO, when everyone's muscles contract and they move! Whatever happens after that moment will depend on so many variables, but at that precise second, everyone's equal and sharing the same experience.

3 rounds of:
21 KB Swings
12 Pull-Ups
Groucho Walk x 1 minute

Thursday, February 4, 2010

A glimpse of the Dark Side...

Another Standing Long Jump shot since most of us are still feeling the pain from that WOD. We have an awesome early morning crew. If we have to get up that early, at least we get to spend it with them.

Hang Power Snatch
Push Up

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


All right, at CFG all the buzz has been about Chia Seeds, well that and Big-Josh's smelly feet. But I digress. Many of our CrossFitters have now read Born To Run by Christopher McDougall. Once anyone reads this book, it seems they have this uncontrolable desire to eat chia seeds and run barefoot. This book is said to be awesome and will change the way you think about running and shoes forever. So, back to chia seeds....

Here is an article, The Ancient Chia Seed - How it Can Benefit Your Health By Charlotte Bradley which fully explains the properties of chia seeds a good list of reasons they are a good addition to your diet.
Excerpted from the article:
You have probably heard how important it is to get enough essentials fatty acids(EFAs) in your diet. Some good food sources containing omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids include fish, shellfish, flax seeds, leafy green vegetables and walnuts. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to obtain enough of these fatty acids on a daily basis. Recently, an ancient seed has regained popularity due to its high nutritional value.
You may know Chia as the sprouts that grow on the porous clay figurines called Chia Pets, however there is much more to it than that! Chia has both nutritional and medicinal benefits. The seeds are an excellent source of essential fatty acids and are a great addition to a healthy diet.


Recipe Wednesday----Turkey, mushroom and Leek Soup

This is brand new recipe I tried last night with great success. Everyone gobbled it up. This recipe isn't 'exact' because I don't measure anything but it's easy and anyone can make it, trust me.


Olive Oil (and some butter if you're not going strict Paleo)--liberal drizzle!


garlic--6-7 cloves, we love garlic, adjust for your tastes

salt and pepper and dried thyme

a bunch of fresh leeks (I had 3 stalks)--slice length wise and soak in water to clean, then chop

bunch of celery (I used it all)

sliced baby portabello mushrooms (I used two of the pre-sliced bags)

1/2 to 3/4 cup of white wine (only if you're not going strict paleo)

2 boxes Chicken stock--I use the 32 ounce stock in a box

1 fully cooked rotisserie turkey breast--pull all the meat off and dice up

bunch of italian parsely


saute onion and garlic in plenty of olive oil (and butter which is really good with the leeks but not neccesary if you're strict paleo). Once onion and garlic are soft, add in chopped leeks, cover and cook for a few minutes. Add in celery, cover and cook again for a few minutes. Season with salt, pepper and thyme. Add in mushrooms and leave cover off. After a couple minutes, add in wine if you're using it. Simmer off the alcohol, then add chicken stock. Add your turkey, bring to desired temp. Serve with fresh parsely.

*Note: After I made this soup, I put it in my crock pot on low and headed off to the gym. We ate it a couple hours later.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

CFG on jumping beans....

Or rather...our first workout with standing long jump. Look at Tammy using her arms to her advantage. Way to go, Tammy!!

It was wet, cold and slippery but everyone worked hard and got it done.


3 Rounds of:
50m walking lunge
100m standing long jump
200m run
LIGHT WEIGHT Isobel: 30 x Snatch

Monday, February 1, 2010

Look through the window

Josh C. is showing a great example of looking through that window during KB swings. His kettlebell isn't in danger of flipping over and knocking him unconcious but he's getting the full range of motion with the KB. Another point is that he's not looking up at the bell...he's keeping his head neutral, looking straight out, everything aligned.

Pull Ups
3 x max effort
AMRAP in 10 min:
15 KB Swings
15 Burpees
15 MB cleans and slams