This is what happens when you don't take care of your hands properly. I'm embarrassed to admit this is my hand after my WOD yesterday. I know better too. I had it coming and even said..."I better take care of these calluses or I'm going to rip up my hands on the next heavy pull-up WOD." I was 'protecting' my upper calluses because those were the ones I was worried about, so I gripped the bar more in my palm (which I also know I shouldn't do) and voila...rriiiiiipp!!

There are a ton of ways you can do this. You can soak your hand and scrape the dead skin off with a dull knife like this. You can can use your average razor, but be careful not to shave off too much. I've heard of people using a little dremel to file them down. A pedi-egg is another option. Look...Tweezerman even has a callus shaver.
Keith from CrossFit Vituosity wrote a great 4-part series on hand care. Here is part 2 where he addresses taking care of a torn callus.
Whatever you do, get your calluses to be flat/even so they won't cause friction on the bar. Then repeat as necessary and you should be fine.
100 ft walking lunge (knee should gently touch the ground each step)
21 pull-ups
21 sit-ups
100 ft walking lunge
18 pull-ups
18 sit-ups
100 ft walking lunge
15 pull-ups
15 sit-ups
100 ft walking lunge
12 pull-ups
12 sit-ups
100 ft walking lunge
9 pull-ups
9 sit-ups
100 ft walking lunge
6 pull-ups (careful on the 5th pull-up here--you might rip a callus! *wink*)
6 sit-ups
Bonus Round a la CFG:
100 ft walking lunge
3 pull-ups
3 sit-ups
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