Thursday, April 30, 2009

Hand Care

This is what happens when you don't take care of your hands properly. I'm embarrassed to admit this is my hand after my WOD yesterday. I know better too. I had it coming and even said..."I better take care of these calluses or I'm going to rip up my hands on the next heavy pull-up WOD." I was 'protecting' my upper calluses because those were the ones I was worried about, so I gripped the bar more in my palm (which I also know I shouldn't do) and voila...rriiiiiipp!!

So, how should we take care of our hands? Over time and many WODs you will develop calluses. Those are good. They toughen up your tender skin. But a callus itself needs care. It needs to be shaved or filed down so that it's level with the rest of your skin. A rule I've heard is if you can pinch it, it needs to be filed.
There are a ton of ways you can do this. You can soak your hand and scrape the dead skin off with a dull knife like this. You can can use your average razor, but be careful not to shave off too much. I've heard of people using a little dremel to file them down. A pedi-egg is another option. Look...Tweezerman even has a callus shaver.
Keith from CrossFit Vituosity wrote a great 4-part series on hand care. Here is part 2 where he addresses taking care of a torn callus.
Whatever you do, get your calluses to be flat/even so they won't cause friction on the bar. Then repeat as necessary and you should be fine.
100 ft walking lunge (knee should gently touch the ground each step)
21 pull-ups
21 sit-ups
100 ft walking lunge
18 pull-ups
18 sit-ups
100 ft walking lunge
15 pull-ups
15 sit-ups
100 ft walking lunge
12 pull-ups
12 sit-ups
100 ft walking lunge
9 pull-ups
9 sit-ups
100 ft walking lunge
6 pull-ups (careful on the 5th pull-up here--you might rip a callus! *wink*)
6 sit-ups
Bonus Round a la CFG:
100 ft walking lunge
3 pull-ups
3 sit-ups

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Ring Work

So, we learned that we need to spend a lot more time on the rings. It's such a vital component to all over strength and control. So ready to see ring work a LOT more in our skill sets.
Nice work, Sandra!!

Ah...such a beautiful sight...all those push-ups!

'Something Nasty' (named by Lisa)
50 push-ups
10 KB swings
40 push-ups
20 KB swings
30 push-ups
30 KB swings
20 push-ups
40 KB swings
10 push-ups
50 KB swings

Friday, April 24, 2009

A monkey in the gym

Here's Delaney taking herself a little too seriously. :) We feel so lucky that our kids love to CrossFit and hang out at the gym, cheer our clients on and are basically taking an active role in our passion. We hope we are setting them up for a lifetime love of fitness and health.

Zone Corner:

We're nearing the end of the Zone Month Challenge. Those of you weighing and measuring...don't give up yet. Heck, don't stop at the end of the month either. You are making amazing things happen to your bodies. Keep going!






Tuesday, April 21, 2009

And off they go...

We introduced everyone to the Waiter's Walk tonight. They didn't love it. :)

Go box-jumps...go box-jumps...

And...welcome to the family, Josh. We're happy you've joined us!!
~200m waiter's walk (45lb/35lb rx'd)
Box Jump
~200m waiter's walk

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Snatch Face

William's 'snatch face'.
I'm probably going to be in so much trouble for posting this picture but it goes with the ribbing William got this morning from 'The Dark Side'.
BUT...I won't be in nearly as much trouble as I will be from Tammy, who gave me the Quote of The Day today. In her sweet voice, Tammy announces proudly, "I have a nice snatch."
Snatch--5 x 3

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

On your marks...

A strong start for the 5:30p class. Of course, this was the first round of Nancy! Subsequent rounds--maybe not so hot out of the gate. But they all pushed through to the end.
Zone Corner: We've all survived 1/2 the month. How are things going? Don't give up. Keep measuring and weighing. Stay in the Zone. You can do it!
5 rounds of:
15xOHS (95lb/65lb-Rx'd)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Meet Tabata and Fran

Duncan got two guinea pigs for his birthday and being the dedicated crossfitter that he is, their names are....

Fran (left) and Tabata (right) :)
Tabata This
Mason Twists
Jump Squats

Monday, April 13, 2009


The progression from beginner Crossfitter to Firebreather is 'Mechanics--Consistency--Instensity'. We focus heavily on skills to get those mechanics. We put the skill directly from that day's WOD into each day's programming. Once a client can consistently show good mechanics, they are pushed to increase intensity.
Zone Corner: How was Easter? Did everyonen enjoy a 'cheat day' or were some of you still dedicated to your zone. I will admit to enjoying some birthday cake, 1/2 a pita and some dark rye chips from the Gardhetto (sp?) mix. Tell us about your cheats in the comment section! :)
42 KB Swings
21 Hang Power Cleans
30 KB Swings
15 Hang Power Cleans
18 KB Swings
9 Hang Power Cleans

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Deadlifts on the Dark Side

We had Deadlifts today so naturally they were in our skill set. Here the Dark Side review the lift and check their form.

Zone Corner: FAT---Are you getting enough? You need fat to lose fat. Don't fall into the no-fat-diet gimmick. There are wonderful, good for you fats that you NEED in your diet. Olive Oil (vital!), avocadoes, nuts, raw almond butter (the BEST thing ever!!)....they are out there. Buy them, eat them...enjoy the results! :)



21 deadlift
9 burpees
15 deadlift
15 burpees
9 deadlift
21 burpees

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Birthday Burpees

Tommy, Jackson, Colin and Greyson knocking out some KTEs.

Yesterday was Duncan's birthday so he had to do 11 birthday-burpees.

Way to go, Duncan!
I guess I should make a birthday list to see who's next for Birthday Burpees.
**Zone Corner: A conversation yesterday regarding food choices prompts me to throw out this simple tip. If you are wondering if a certain food, condiment...anything you are about to eat that has a 'label' on it, is healthy...check it out. If the ingredient list is long, it comes in a convenient container (box, jar, individually wrapped...) and is processed from its orginal source, chances are it should be avoided. Just check the label. Read what you're about to eat.
BONUS TIP: Low-fat and non-fat is code word for PROCESSED!
Now go forth and Zone! :)
15-12-9-6-3 rounds of:
Push Press

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Box Jumps

Ken and Bill doing their box jumps. Speaking of box jumps, a public thank you to Ken's dad, Fred, for making us these awesome plyo boxes. We love them!!
**Zone Corner--Kudos to you all who have been weighing and measuring and logging your food. Awesome job. I was quite impressed with Dana's Zone Binder, all organized with his material and notes. He mentioned that he went to a pizza party and did NOT have any pizza. Way to go! :)
3 Rounds for time of:
40 sit ups
30 squats
20 push ups
10 pull ups

Monday, April 6, 2009

What ARE they doing?

We had a little fun in our warm-up last week. I think we should make it a regular part of our warm-up routine...really get groovy! :)

I absolutely LOVE this picture. This is our 5:30 pm class or aka 'The Man Class'. (BTW--welcome Colin!!)

"Wow, Ken...I wish I could get my knee as high as yours."

"I just can't stop movin' to the music!"

"Strike a pose!"

"I still got my moves."

"Stayin' Alive...ah ah ah ah...stayin' aliiiive."

"Ants-Ants...ants in our pants."

10 rounds--
30 seconds wall-balls
30 seconds box jumps
*rest 1 minute between rounds

Friday, April 3, 2009

The boys were happy!

All the men got to 'get their game on' for Strength Day.

**Favorite quote of the day comes from Dana, and I paraphrase..."What I've really learned about this whole Zone-Thing is that it's all about how you portion your food. I mean, I didn't realize that 1 serving of bread didn't mean 'a loaf'."

Front Squats

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Picture Ops

William and Ginger doing handstands in the mountains of Ruidoso, New Mexico.

We went from our handstands, family pictures, admiring the finish the trek up the mountain for our last day of skiing. We missed you all while we were gone but we did manage to have fun. :)

***How did everyone do on their first day of the Zone Challenge? How are you feeling?


(Or Make-Up Day--Kudos to Sandra and Tammy for coming in to make up a workout they missed.)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

No...not walking lunges!!

Overhead Walking Lunges.....and Burpees! You should have heard the groaning. But they all did awesome.
Today is the first day of CFG month-long Zone Challenge. We're weighing and measuring our food...we're journaling...we're ready to see amazing results. There's been a challenge from our early morning crew, AKA 'The Dark Side'. Who's going to call them on it? Post your comments and thoughts in the comments section. :)


5 rounds for time:

50 foot Overhead Walking Lunge (45# bar)

21 Burpees