See now, in the summer, inverted would mean trying some really fun waterskiing tricks. At Crossfit, if often means it's time for some hand stand push ups. (HSPU) We talked a lot today about how to scale HSPU and the progression to learning them. Here's a GREAT ARTICLE from Drills and Skills with images that will show you everything you need to know.
Look how happy Jana always looks! How do you DO that?

Jason has been staying after class lately and working on a variety of skills, one of which is handstands. He's making great progress from his extra efforts. Way to go, Jason!
5 Rounds of--
100 feet of walking lunge
2 minutes of max rep sit-ups
HSPU piked on the box
71 sit ups during the cash out. Great work out.
John had great advice during the lunges, get full extension and lock out your knee at the top and carry your weight on your skeleton not your muscles, it provides a bit of a break at the top of your lunge.
Great Tip---thanks, Johnny.