I think I'm going to order a slew of these as posters and should tape them over the atrocious food pyramid posters you see in every doctor's office.

I can not tell you how awesome I feel now that I actually know how to eat. As loathe as I am to admit that I didn't know everything my whole life....I didn't. I spent way too many years eating little to no protein and thinking that cheese was a vital food group. I've also recently adjusted my stance on supplements. I understand that our bodies don't produce everything we need to achieve our goals. Food isn't the only source of nutrients and if you choose wisely (as we have with AdvoCare) you can eat a clean and supplemented diet, work out hard and achieve any goal you have. It can be done!
YEAH!!!! Now if I can only find my willpower to say "NO" to all the crap I still say "yes" too :-/