CrossFit Georgetown had a Labor Day WOD for anyone who wished to join us. It's always so fun to get a bigger group together and work in partners or teams. We did the Pyramid Helen that they did at the CrossFit Games, or as it was nicknamed, Helen on Steroids.
1200 m
63 KB Swings
36 Pull-Ups
800 m
42 KB Swings
24 Pull-Ups
21 KB Swings
21 Pull-Ups
**Done in teams of two**
The teams doing their first runs. As you can see, the sky decided to open up just prior to us beginning. What die-hards out there!!

KB Swings

Carol and her daughter Samantha joined us.
The group shot! Way to go, everyone!
WOD for Monday 9/13
Cleans 3 x 5
Cleans (135 rx)
Ring Dips
Don't workout while really hungover. Bill gave this his all and I drug him down. I feel bad about this. One day me and Bill will finish first. Until then....