Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Welcome to Ross, Dave, Kelsey, Brandon and Becca!!

Finally I can officially welcome a bunch of great members of the 6:30 am class. I love seeing all their smiling faces walk in. You all are doing great and we're so happy you're part of the CFG family!! :)

Ross showing excellent plank form.

Dave really struggling under such a heavy load. *s*

Kelsey with her gorgeous smile.

Brandon, who's smile rivals his wife's above! What do you two have for breakfast, Grin Pops?

And Becca, showing off her big guns! :)




Box Jump
Toes to Bar


Balance Lunges

3 x 20 reps; each leg

Monday, August 23, 2010

During and After

Philip always gives 100+%. He's stubborn and hard on himself and he keeps going, always improving.

Check out that range of motion on his thrusters.

And look how happy he is to be done. :)



4 Rounds, max reps of--

60 seconds KB Swings
30 seconds rest
60 seconds ball slams
30 seconds rest
60 seconds push press
30 seconds rest
60 seconds sit-ups
30 seconds rest


Tabata Squats

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Welcome Darian!!

Welcome to Darian who has joined us for some specific sports training. Her sport…Volleyball! Beautiful girl, talented athlete, great family…very happy you've joined us, Darian.




10 rounds of:

10 Thrusters (95/65)
10 Ring Push-Ups


Tabata Planks

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Last day for this rotation of Deadlifts!

Alright, this is the last day for our Deadlift rotation. It's time to put your gameface on and LIFT HEAVY. The early morning class had numerous PRs. Let's see how the rest of you do.
Post your loads into the comments so we can all celebrate the achievements!!

Jeff showing a strong starting position.

And finishing with full hip extension, back straight. I just wish he wasn't so, you know…wimpy! (Obviously kidding, Jeff. You are a true inspiration! Thank you!)




3 Rounds of:

30 Wall Balls
30 Squat snatch (75/45)


30 x dive bomber push ups


Deadlift 3-3-3-1-1-1


Mini D.T.

3 Rounds:

12 Deads
6 Push Jerk

Friday, August 13, 2010

TIME CHANGE for Open Gym tomorrow....

We are shifting our Open Gym time an hour earlier tomorrow so we can attend our son's soccer scrimmage. So if you need to make up a WOD or want to work on a skill....we'll be there from 8-10 am.

Put this picture here to a) tell Nick that we miss him at CrossFit (and Madison too!!) and B) to remind us that we actually were cold at one time at CFG and we were all griping about it....trying to embrace the heat even though it's hard.


5 Rounds:

5 Pull-Ups
10 Box Jumps
15 Sit-Ups
20 KB Swings


Tabata Push-Ups

**Have a great weekend!!!!**

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Josh works his snatch

Josh is in the Level 2 olympic lifting class being hosted at CFG, coached by Chad Vaughn.

Awesome work, Josh!


Hang Clean 5 x 3




OHS (95/65)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Last week of CFG Sports Camp

The boys have worked really hard and their speed has increased, in addition to their strength and stamina.

And they're off....(l to r) Drew, Austin, Levi, Greyson, James
Touch and go...Daniel, Dale, Levi, Greyson and Drew
Daniel, James, Cody, Levi, Greyson, Drew....sprinting to Landon
Big tuck-jumps: Drew, Greyson, Levi, James, Dale, Cody, Austin, Duncan

Finishing up with ab-work: Dale, Daniel, Duncan, Cody with Landon




Pull-Ups-Dead Hang

Max Effort x 3


3 Rounds

10 x Groung to overhead (95/65)
200m sprint (50m there and back twice)




--alternated with--




Tabata Sit-Ups

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

WINNERS of the Board Short and Bikini Challenge!!!!

The results of our Board Short and Bikini Challenge are in. (Took us long enough, right?) There were two areas in which one could ‘win’. One was whoever had the greatest change in body composition. We took measurements, weight and tracked body fat and muscle percentage, etc. The other way was to keep up with the daily challenges, 50 squats every day for the entire challenge and for the first month we did burpees, adding one each day and the next month were HSPUs (handstand push-ups), again adding one each day. This was on top of the normal WOD.

And the winners are…..

Body Composition: Melonie Martinez!

Melonie lost weight and gained lean muscle mass and she also lost over 12 inches, never to be seen again. Her effort and commitment got results and she looks AMAZING.


Daily Challenges: Molly Pendlebury!

Molly was diligent with her daily challenges, counting each and every squat, burpee and HSPU. Her dedication resulted in gaining strength and endurance which has supported her efforts in the WODs.

Way to go Melonie and Molly!!!


What did they win? Well I’m glad you asked. Rusty Winkstern, owner of The Monument CafĂ©, generously provided $50.00 gift cards to the restaurant. (Thank you, Rusty!!) Be on the look out this fall for the opening of The Monument Market where you’ll be able to get all natural and organic, locally produced, meats and produce! We can’t wait!


Everyone enjoy your REST DAY!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Welcome to Chuck and Mike...

I'm still collecting photos of our new CrossFitters. Absolutely love our expanding CFG family.

Here's Chuck showing good OHS form.

And Mike, getting some extra coaching from William on his cleans during one of our Open Gym Saturdays.



5 Rounds of:

5 Thrusters
10 Burpees
200m sprint

CASH OUT: Ab Wheel


Hang Cleans

3 x 5


3 Rounds of:

20 Box Jumps
15 KB Swings
10 Pull-Ups


Wall Squats--2 x 1 minute

*10 Burpee penalty for coming off wall in less than 1 minute