Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Taking our O-lifts to the next level!

Chad encourages Kevin to push his knees back just a little more...

The first session of our Olympic lifting class taught by Chad Vaughn was fun, inspiring and very challenging. The athletes made great strides in their positioning and understanding of how to generate power, but also see there is much more to learn.

Bench Press
3 x 5
AMRAP in 10 min.
10 x burpees
10x ring dips
10 x pull ups

Monday, June 28, 2010

The stage is set...

Weights have been selected, loaded and ready. The weekend is over and it is time to get back to work!

Mr. Joshua
400 m run
30 sit ups
15 deadlifts

Friday, June 25, 2010

She knows all the stars...

Delaney working on getting some celebrities to join us at CFG

Well we made it through another week...you all did great on the WODS and I did not crash our website...Happy weekend! Go USA!

Weighted Step-ups
3 X 5
AMRAP in 10 min.
6 Pull-ups
9 KTEs
12 KB cleans (6 rt/6 left)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Welcome aboard Rick...

Good job Rick...now let's get those elbows up and hips pushed back...
CFG welcomes a new member to the "Dark Side!" Rick started this month and is already blasting through the WOD. Julie, his wife, also started this month in the new 6:30am class and, from what I hear, is also doing great - not that the trainer of that class is biased in anyway ;)

10 power cleans/1 burpee
9 power cleans / 2 burpees
8 power cleans / 3 burpees
....continue until....
1 power clean / 10 burpees

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Rest Day...

Yes, I am a nerd. I spend a lot of time (probably too much time) "researching" the Internet for all things workout, fitness, diet and health related. So, while Ginger used Wednesday's blog posts to discuss diet, I thought I would share some of the sites I have found to have useful information. In an effort to make a smooth segue between Ginger's blogging and mine the first site I offer is www.leangains.com . This is basically a blog written by Martin Berkhan and is all about using intermittent fasting (IF) to improve performance and body composition. To me diet has three parts: quality (what you eat), quantity (how much you eat), and timing (when you eat). while Martin does get into quality and quantity, it is the timing piece that interests me about his work. So check it out (I think it is pretty work/family safe - maybe a couple of bad words here and there) and see what you think...IF, it's how I roll!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Kettlebell Complex

You mean you can do more with a kettlebell than just swing it? Right on...and today we take the first step toward adding more complex movements into the workout. As Pavel would say, "Enjoy, comrades!"

3 rounds for time of:
10 x KB complex ** (alt. between right and left arm)
** 1 KB complex = 3 snatches, two overhead lunges (one left/one right)....don't worry, we'll show you how to do it.

Monday, June 21, 2010

It's Tabata Time!

From Men's Fitness (http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1608/is_5_20/ai_n6011850/) : The Tabata Protocol--named after Izumi Tabata, Ph.D., a former researcher at Japan's National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Kanoya--is an interval routine developed by the head coach of the Japanese speed-skating team.The key to the Tabata Protocol's effectiveness appears to be the short rest intervals between sprints. Conventional interval-training guidelines suggest keeping a 1:3 work-rest ratio. That is, your rest periods should last three times as long as the duration of your sprints. But the Tabata Protocol's work-rest ratio is 2:1, which means your rest periods are only half as long as the time you're working. And according to another Tabata study, that formula isn't just more effective than traditional aerobic training, it's also more effective than typical interval training.

Tabata Mash-Up
4 Rounds of 20s on/10s off:
KB Swings
Wall Balls

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Olympic Lifting with World Class Coaching!

CrossFit Georgetown is now offering an Olympic Weightlifting Class coached by 2-time Olympian, 5-time National Champion and American record holder Chad Vaughn.

Consider this Olympic Lifting 101...this class will focus on increasing your proficiency in the lifts as well as increasing strength, flexibility and work capacity.

This class is perfect for
  • Crossfitters looking to maximize their workouts
  • Competitive athletes who need to increase their explosive speed and power
  • Anyone interested in learning and/or competing in Olympic style weightlifting.

Highlights from Chad's 1-day seminar:

This will be a 4-week class. Exact dates and times will be posted soon. The cost is $130 ($60 for CrossFit Georgetown members).

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Amateur at the Wheel...

As most of you know, Ginger is on hiatus in the mountains of Tenessee where she has very limited internet connectivity (Yes, this is the view she has to suffer through every day at sunset). So, I am going to do my best to keep up the blog...I realize that I am no writer, so please do not laugh...
So, for my first post I want to let you all know that we are going to have an exciting offering available at CrossFit Georgetown very soon. I will give you a hint, it involves a national champion athlete. I will share the details as soon as they are all firmed up...How's that for creating some suspense?

Sunday, June 13, 2010

CrossFit Georgetown Athletic Sports Camp

When you ask most coaches in which areas they’d like to see improvements in their athletes, the majority will tell you….”They need to be FASTER!”
Whatever the game—Football, Soccer, Basketball, Volleyball…it’s all about speed and agility!!
Therefore, the objective and focus of this camp will be to improve an athlete’s game, primarily working on becoming faster as well as getting stronger. The strength training will be very specific lifts that directly relate to increasing speed.
We have lined up an amazing trainer, Landon Crooks, to oversee these camps. If your child wants to be a better athlete, Landon is the guy to make sure that happens. In addition to being CrossFit Certified, Landon also played football for Georgetown High School for four years—linebacker, captain and defensive MVP in addition to honorable mention for district 16 AAAAA. He was listed in the top players to watch by Texas football magazine. Landon ran track and was on varsity power lifting for four years.

We will have 3 different sessions. Each camp can be taken individually or you may attend 2 or all 3 of them at a reduced price. (To be paid upfront.) The athletes will track their progress and visually see their improvements. For those who take more than one session, they will have training they can (and will be encouraged) to do between the sessions to come back ready to lift heavier and run even faster.
Each session will be limited to 10 participants. Payment secures your spot. The target age for this camp is upper middle school through high school--Boys and Girls!! Contact us if you have any questions.
June 14-25, July 12-23, Aug 2-13 (each session is two weeks) M,T,W,Th 9:30-11am
Cost: $150 for one session, $275 for two sessions (save $25), $400 for all three sessions (save $50)

Friday, June 4, 2010

Meet our New Trainer!

Alright, most of you already know Landon but now he's CrossFit certified and ready to kick your butts. Oh, I mean, he's ready to train and encourage you with a smile. We are SO excited and happy that Landon will be joining our team. He will be taking the 6:30 am class and filling in as needed.



Thursday and Friday's WODs:

Thursday--BENCHMARK WOD from our challenge. First done on 3/25.

For time:

1 clean and jerk (155-rx)
1 round Cindy
2 C & J
1 round Cindy
3 C & J
1 round Cindy

continue until last rounds of:

10 C & J
1 round Cindy

CASH OUT: 50 x slam balls


Max effort dips x 3




Deadlift (225/185)