Thursday, December 16, 2010

CFG Oly lifters make the OlyAlthlete page!

Look who made the OlyAthlete Facebook page for their OlyAthlete t-shirt sighting! The workshop is coached by Chad Vaughn. The next workshop will begin early January (Tuesday nights), right after the holidays. Each workshop runs for 4 weeks. Mark your calendars and improve your olympic lifts, your strength, your flexibility and be coached by a amazing athlete. You will NOT regret it.



CPU: 3-3-3-1-1-1


10 Minutes:

On the minute 3 Cleans @ your CPU 1 RM
Double-Unders for rest of minute

**Score is number of DU's.

1 comment:

  1. This workout was N A S T Y. My CPU max was 155 and I only managed the first round at that weight. After a very loud popping noise accompanied by tingling in my right arm (I wasn't moving my elbows fast enough and had crappy form) I dropped to 95.

    At the 95lb weight this workout was not about how much I could move but about how fast I could move it, and I am not used to moving fast so I was destroyed by round 10.

    388 single unders.

