Friday, July 23, 2010

Olympic Weightlifting class very popular

CrossFit Georgetown has been hosting an olympic weightlifting workshop trained by Chad Vaughn which has been very popular. We will be setting up additional workshops with Chad, so stay tuned and sign up fast because the slots are sure to fill up quickly.

Jason gets some coaching from Chad.

As does David.

CrossFit Games week is coming to a close. We obviously couldn't do all the games WODs in one week and some were so brutal we'll have to turn them them team-wods for a later date. We hope you've enjoyed getting a little taste of what the top echelon of athletes did as they competed to be named Fittest On Earth.


From Thursday:

7 Rounds for time (12 minute cap)

3 Cleans (205/135)
4 HSPU (men on rings/women on wall)

Game's Results:

1. Graham Holberg--4:26
2. Chris Spealler--4:27
3. Ben Smith--4:57

1.Kristan Clever--3:37
2. Valerie MacKenzie Voboril--4:09
3. Heather Bergeron--5:01


3 Rounds:

21 KB Swings
10 Burpee Box Jump

1 comment:

  1. The games workouts were a truly humbling experience and it shows you how amazing those athletes are.

    I honestly can't remember my times on these workouts and I didn't write a single workout down this week. They were all fun and wore me down to a nub. Looking forward to the upcoming week!

