With a big ol' group workout of course! CrossFit Georgetown held a Black Friday WOD and it was come one-come all. We had some family members of our clients come and work out (great to meet them!), we had kids all the way to grandparents...it was AWESOME!

This is what they had to do in groups of 5 (one team of 6)...only one member of each group working out at a time. They could divvy up the work to appeal to their team member's individual strengths or share it equally. They could do the stations in any order they wanted to but they had to complete one station before moving on to another one. The waiter's walking lunge was last and had to be done as a team, one person lunging at at time.

Here's Ken knocking out some KB swings for his team.

Tammy doing her thrusters, Delaney waiting for her turn. You can see the burpee station in the background.

The 1st place team with the finish line in their sight. Melonie bringing it home!

The whole Motley Crew! :)
Thanks very much for joining us. It was a lot of fun. Be on the look out for another one soon!
I love the big group WOD's! Big Time Fun!!