For Memorial Day, we decided to honor one of our CrossFit heroes by doing Murph. We decided to make it a 'Partner Murph'. So teams of 2 completed Murph, only one person working at a time, each one completing 1/2 a Murph.

Molly and David came in first! You guys did GREAT!

Here are the troops after the WOD, sweaty, tired but with smiles. You guys did awesome. It was so fun for William and me to have you all here together. The energy in the gym was amazing as was the amount of sweat flying. :) William and I appreciate each and every one of you and feel so blessed you're part of CrossFit Georgetown. Thank you for being a part of our dream.
Pictures of the WOD below

Here everyone is jockeying for their spot on the pull-up bars, setting up their bands, Molly with maybe a little too much nervous energy. *wink*

And the first group of partners are off....

Here Tammy is trying a stategic block of Jackson in hopes of gaining an advantage for her team.

Push-ups of all kinds...and I see Ken on to the squats

More push-ups, David waiting his turn and Bill on to squats in the back.
Excellent Work!!!!
1 mile run
100 pull-ups
200 push-ups
300 squats
1 mile run
**You can partition your pull-ups, push-ups, and squats any way you want, go straight through, or do them 'Cindy' style. Just get 'em done! ;)
It was great to have everyone in there at the same time. I can't see how the early morning crew can do that and function for the rest of the day, you are better souls than I. Especially Tom who did that workout then went to bang out a 5mile hike.