Saturday, February 26, 2011

CrossFit Georgetown suffers a loss of one of their family

We have lost one of our CrossFit family, Bob Bitner. We are so sad to say that he suffered from a massive heart attack last night (Friday 2/25/11) and passed away after a long effort to revive him by his wife Colleen and the paramedics who arrived in 3 minutes. He is survived by Colleen and their 3 children pictured below.

Bob and Colleen came to CrossFit in the summer of 2009 and immediately became family. Bob had extensive physical obstacles to overcome. He shocked his doctors and physical therapists by exceeding even their greatest expectations. You can read a blog post about this here:
A great man left us yesterday and he will be so very missed. CrossFit Georgetown is praying for Colleen, their children and anyone suffering from his loss…we imagine it is many. We are so grateful he was a part of our lives and know we were enriched by it.
Funeral services are being arranged for this week, most likely for Wednesday. We will update the blog and our FB page with details for any who wish to attend.

RIP--Bob, my friend and fellow lover of fine wine. I hope there are no kettlebells in heaven to taunt you. But if there are….just do it. I mean, you can do anything for…. :) Love, Ginger xo

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Happy Birthday Josh!!!!

Today is Josh's birthday. Josh loves to annihilate himself in workouts and a big ol' Hero workout is usually programmed on his birthday. So, just blame Josh!!
Josh, hope you're having a great birthday. Hope you enjoy the beating tonight at CFG and hope you get yourself a huge plate of quality protein and a fine beer to celebrate! We love ya, Man!



"Wittman" (for Josh PITTMAN's birthday wod!)

Seven rounds for time of:
1.5 pood Kettlebell swing, 15 reps
95 pound Power clean, 15 reps
15 Box jumps, 24" box


Snatch balance 5 x 5


hamstring mobility and stretch

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Who competed in the Fittest Games?

Our very own JJ did!! And he tore it up! The picture below is from his 3rd WOD of the day. He dominated this heat, finishes well in front of the pack. JJ--we are so proud of you and it was awesome to watch you compete.



Deadlifts: 5-3-1


Fittest Games WOD (#3 for JJ):

15 Snatch (135/95/65) --weights dependent on the class in which you were competing
15-12-9 of--SDHP (95/65/45) and shoulder to overhead (same weights)


Fittest Games WOD (#2 for JJ):
(modified slightly for our gym)

30 lateral burpees
30 KB snatch
30 shoulder to overhead with same KB


3 x max rep of:

TTR --toes through rings
TTB --toes to bar
KTE --knees to elbows
KHAP --knees high as possible :)

**scale to your ability and max out 3 times!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Welcome Sunshine, in more ways than one….

CFG welcomes Sunshine to our family. She has joined the 'Dark Side' and is usually already at the gym running around the parking lot when I drive up. She is a tough little thing and a pleasure to have around.

Now, I mentioned welcoming sunshine in more ways than one and that's because it has been cold and I mean really cold for our central Texas standards. Tomorrow morning will be in the teens and I don't know if you can wear ENOUGH clothes to be warm, but I'll try! So, just to warm us all up, bring a little sunshine into our day and maybe even give us a smile, I thought I'd share this image from last summer of these 3 strange kids! :)

Maybe if all concentrate really hard, will can will warmer temperatures to prevail and bring on spring, which you know, is just a blink away from summer. Come on…group effort. Let's go!


50 sit-ups
5 C & J (135/95)
40 sit-ups
5 C & J
30 sit-ups
5 C & J
20 sit-ups
5 C & J
10 sit-ups
5 C & J



3 x 5

strict dead-hang push-ups

Monday, February 7, 2011

WELCOME Robin…..

We have a lot of new people I need to get up on the blog (which is GREAT!), but I did manage to snap some pictures of Robin, who joined our 'dark side' crew. I know her husband, Philip, is glad she's here and loves working out with her. We'll have to watch Robin as she's already tearing it up.

Appropriately, we had 'virtual shoveling' (always harder than it looks) as the cash-out on our Snow Day here in Central Texas. Here's Robin on her 5th WOD, gettin' it done!

This is a special picture--Philip on the left with this daughter, Hannah (7th grade) doing HSPUs together! Hannah is a gymnast and a cheerleader and blazed a trail through the WOD: 7 rounds of---7 HSPU, 7 Dips, 7 Burpees, 7 Pull-ups. Great work, Hannah!!


Back Squat

Take 90% of 1 RM then do

5 x 75%
3 x 85%
1 x 95%




Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Do your goals motivate you?

What are you goals? Really think about it. If they are strong enough, they will motivate you and you will not hesitate to put in the HARD WORK that it takes to achieve success. If you believe you want something but you are not achieving it, then your goal is NOT as important to you than what you are doing that is keeping you from it.


5 rounds:

30 Box Jump
30 Wall Ball


2 x 5
20-16-10-8 of:

KB Snatch (split between both arms)


Rest Day