CFG welcomes Sunshine to our family. She has joined the 'Dark Side' and is usually already at the gym running around the parking lot when I drive up. She is a tough little thing and a pleasure to have around.

Now, I mentioned welcoming sunshine in more ways than one and that's because it has been cold and I mean really cold for our central Texas standards. Tomorrow morning will be in the teens and I don't know if you can wear ENOUGH clothes to be warm, but I'll try! So, just to warm us all up, bring a little sunshine into our day and maybe even give us a smile, I thought I'd share this image from last summer of these 3 strange kids! :)
Maybe if all concentrate really hard, will can will warmer temperatures to prevail and bring on spring, which you know, is just a blink away from summer. Come on…group effort. Let's go!
50 sit-ups
5 C & J (135/95)
40 sit-ups
5 C & J
30 sit-ups
5 C & J
20 sit-ups
5 C & J
10 sit-ups
5 C & J
3 x 5
strict dead-hang push-ups
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