Lose Weight….NO exercise!!!
No need to exercise.
Get in shape without ever setting foot in a gym
“Heavy Exercise is Discouraged” (yes it really says ‘discouraged’!)
This type of ad is all over the place for products ranging from injections to shoes and God knows what else, all claiming amazing weight loss results without having to workout. I read these ads and excessive eye-rolling commences. (I’m sure you all are surprised at this!) There is even scoffing! I mean, come ON…where’s the common sense in this? Sure, there are supplements that can fill in your nutritional gaps with vitamins and minerals but get real, you still have to eat a healthy diet and yes, you really do have to exercise.
Also, note they claim ‘weight loss’ and not a FIT and HEALTHY body. You can lose pounds and still be grossly out of shape and unhealthy. The goal should be a HEALTHY body and FIT body and to achieve this you have to MOVE YOUR BODY.
To ignore strength training and metabolic conditioning you are cheating yourself of a fulfilling life. Do you want to be old and not able to stand back up from a sitting position, like from the toilet? NO? Then you better be doing some squats. Do you want to sit up out of bed? You do? Then I suggest you strengthen your core. Do you want to play with your grandchildren? I bet you do….so you better exercise your heart so it’s strong and can keep up with what you WANT to do.
You owe it to yourself to work out. Avoiding this essential part of life is only cheating yourself. Oh, and it’s also cheating your family because they LOVE you and want you to be healthy and stick around for a long time. And being skinny and sick is not helping your lifespan.
So, get up and MOVE! It does a body GOOD!!
(by ginger—getting off my soap box. All above statements are my opinions and I’m entitled to them. Carry on….)
REST DAY--Active rest that is. Do your daily Burpees and Squats! (note today is day 24 of our Spring Challenge)
This is just a product of our current societal mindset. Reward for no effort, and when the reward doesn't happen you blame everyone but yourself. Results (the result is the reward) come from putting in the work, and once you push yourself to achieve a result you start ton wonder about what else you could do. This makes an efficient and determined person, that is a truly rare thing in modern society.
ReplyDeleteAnd those are the people that find their way here to Crossfit. Individuals who find some measure of self-satisfaction and self-pride in pushing themselves beyond what they know. But that satisfaction is temporary because you always know that you could indeed do more.
Ohhh, I got all fancy there. I think. And speaking of pushing yourself, my one year anniversary is Thursday and that new hero wod looks really really fun/awful. Hint Hint.
Rock On Sista!!!!!