Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Welcome Notices---

We have 4 new people who have joined 'The Dark Side' (officially the 5:15 am class). The added energy and sleepy enthusiasm has been great. Let us officially welcome them. ((We do have more new CrossFit Georgetown people to welcome from the later morning classes and the evening classes....just trying to capture their picture. They are proving to be elusive.))

This is Adam who gets a little razzing because he rides his bike to and from CF, over 6 miles each way, in the pre-dawn blackness and freezing (at least to me) temps!

Here is Jana who warned me she wasn't a morning person but walks in every day with a smile.

Here's Erik, the quiet one who's always listening and taking it all in.

And Linda, who loves details and facts and has a quick smile.

Here are our invisible chairs. Aren't they cool? :)
5 Rounds of:
20 Wall Balls
10 Pull-Ups

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