Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Dwane manages a PR in his HPC

Last week, Dwane pulled at PR in his hang power clean. Way to Go Dwane!!



50 Push-up


21 OHS


21 OHS


50 Push-Up

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Why do you CrossFit?

There are a lot of reasons people work out. And once you take the step to CrossFit, those reasons become clearly defined. CrossFit prepares you to be healthy and fit for life...whatever that life might bring you. For the school age client it may be sports--soccer, football, basketball, track. It may still be sports for the adult--amateur, pro or the elite olympic level. For the average hard working parent crowd, it may be to keep up with their kids or more importantly, to stay healthy and see their kids and grandkids grow up. For our senior citizens, it's all about staying independent and keeping their quality of life.
So--why do you CrossFit? What's your motivation? Share with us in the comments.
If you don't CrossFit....why not? Do you need a reason? Embrace your life!

Here is Jackson, who never fails to give it 100% in the gym. Every aspect of his training has improved since day one. Usually, he's the one to beat during a workout. If we could only get him to eat more. :)
Press 3-3-3-1-1-1
5 Rounds of:
9 Thruster
9 Pull-Up

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Boys and Box Jumps

There's something about Box Jumps that look so simple and straight forward...almost old school but they they your heart thumping something fierce.

Hang Power Clean
5 x 3
7 Rounds:
10 KB Swings
10 Box Jumps

Monday, September 14, 2009

Delaney does her Birthday Burpees

See Delaney doing her Birthday Burpees. My memory ran out before she finished but she did do all whopping 9 of them. :) And...then she had cake!!



5 x 3



150 Wall Balls for time

Thursday, September 10, 2009

CrossFit Georgetown Sports Camp

This past summer, CrossFit Georgetown ran a 10-week sports camp for a group of local teenage boys. The programming was designed to increase their strength base and maximize their metobolic conditioning. These boys are all involved in middle school sports (football and basketball) as well as Select club sports (soccer and baseball). Their goals were to get stronger, be faster and move toward that sought-after 6-pack...which I'm sure had nothing to do with middle-school girls. :) Initially, we had a group of 6 as sort of a 'beta-group'. But two boys, Greyson and Hayden, stuck with it all summer and their results show the fruits of their labor.

Greyson doing kipping pull-ups.
Hayden bench pressing. You don't see much bench pressing in CrossFit's normal programming. We added it for the boys as they were focused on football. And...boys just LOVE to bench press.


Box jumps. We tried to give them moves that involved a lot of explosive power output.


Ah, the other thing boys love...squatting! We worked very hard to work on their form to protect their back and their knees. Their mechanics in all the lifts greatly improved.

Deadlifts! Probably the most functional power lift and one which directly correlates to gaining speed and power. Also another technical lift which required constant form corrections.
---Two lifts not shown with photos that the boys worked on all summer as well are the press and the hang power clean.---
We'll be watching these boys to see how they progress. They increased their weight on all the lifts, many at a great rate after getting their form dialed in. Now we can't wait to see them on the fields and courts! We've already seen more powerful kicks, greater foot speed and overall improved strength. We're looking forward to working with them again in the off season from their sports.
The Chief
5 rounds---
AMRAP in 3 minutes of:
3 cleans
6 push-ups
9 squats
**Rest 1 minute between rounds.
--and another one--
*run a 400m between each round...ending with a sprint to the finish!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Welcome Bob and Colleen!

This welcome is overdue as Bob and Colleen have been with us since before the summer. Their dedication is inspiring and I know they motivate others. We can't imagine not having them as part of our CrossFit family.

Without going into full detail, Bob's progress has been no less short of astounding. He has very specific physical limitations with his shoulder and the mobility he's gained through CrossFit has shocked his doctors and broken through barriers others told him he'd have. He's one of the most determined people we've worked with. We have NO doubt he will reach his goals and then make new ones and reach them as well. We'd happy to be part of the journey.


*With 400m done between rounds.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Maximum Effort!

Maximum Effort! – the athletes of CrossFit Georgetown will be focusing on increasing their strength over the next few months as we incorporate Coach Michael Rutherford’s Maximum Effort Black Box methodology.

Several other CrossFit affiliates across the country have been using this method to help their clients greatly increase their strength which ultimately allows them to perform their CrossFit workouts with more power, stamina and intensity. In other words, increased work capacity at constantly varied functional movements performed at high intensity…and this is the secret to CrossFit’s success!
3 x 5 Hang Power Clean
For time:
10-9-8-7...1 -- Box Jumps
1-2-3-4...10 -- Ring Dips
*Rep scheme running in opposite directions so first round is 10 box jumps with 1 dip and the last round will be 1 box jump and 10 ring dips.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Welcome Cody!!

Yay, another new member of our CrossFit family....Cody! She plays golf for Southwestern University here in Georgetown and she's a soccer player, so of course she fits right in. Mostly she's jumped in and attacks her workouts and we're very happy to have her.

WOD: One round for time--
20 KTE
30 OHS
40 Wall Balls
50 Burpee
60 KB Swings