Well, 'tumblin down' may be an exaggeration. That said, we have big BIG news!! We're moving out of our garage into our own box! Yay!!! The location is wonderful, the space is perfect...our neighbors are great...we couldn't be happier.

Here is Duncan showing you our new digs. This is looking towards the back of the building. Behind that wall is....(see below)

A big garage door. Better yet, there's a matching garage door in the front of the building too!! With the help of friends (our crossfitters--of course!), at the leadership of our brother-in-law, Bill--another crossfitter, we've already removed both walls covering the garage doors. You can run straight through the building now. :) Next step, get our pull-up station set up and move our equipment.
I'll post more pictures of the transformation as the process unfolds.
"The Chief"
5 Rounds of...
Max rounds in 3 min:
3 power cleans
6 push-ups
9 squats
*rest 1 minute between rounds
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