How does a CrossFitter (even a 13 year old one) take down a wall...

By swinging a medieval-looking iron hammer thing and just whacking it down.
Yesterday's WOD was really tough. We hope our clients forgive us. After it was done, Ken named it 'Hamburger Hands' based on the ripped-up hands he and Molly went home with.
Here it is if you want to try it:
For time, complete:
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Clean and Jerks
mixed with--
3-6-9-12-15-18-21 Pull-Ups
So first round--21 C&J followed by 3 pull-ups
Second round--18 C&J with 6 pull-ups
Third round--15 C&J--9 pulls....etc.