Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Are you rolling?

Here are a couple of shots from our recent free foam rolling clinic presented by Dr. Martin Jones of the Airrosti rehab clinic here in Georgetown. Dr. Jones taught us how to effectively roll out our entire bodies, top to bottom. Foam rolling is essential for muscle recovery, rehabilitation and ongoing maintenance for your body, especially for CrossFitters and what we demand of our bodies every day!

Thanks to our visitors who came from other CrossFit affiliates. It was great to either meet you or see you again. :)


Friday, March 25, 2011

Congrats to JJ

Congratulations to JJ who completed his Level 1 certification last weekend. We are proud of you and so glad you're part of our CFG family!


NOTE: Our classes are filling up. 5:15 am 'dark side' is now closed again as it's full to capacity. Swimsuit season is around the corner. Grab a spot in class and be ready for SUMMER! :)



21 OHS (95/65)
9 KB swings
15 OHS
15 KB swings
21 KB swings


Rest Day


Clean-Ladder (AKA: Death by Cleans)

1st min = 1 Clean (135/105)
2nd min = 2 Cleans
3rd min = 3 Cleans

---and so on until you can't complete the prescribed number of cleans in the course of the minute

CASH OUT: Hollow Rocks 3 x 10 *hold for 3 seconds each


For time, as many REPS as possible in:

1st round: 60 seconds of box jumps followed by 60 seconds rest,
60 sec push press, 60 seconds rest
60 sec pull ups, 60 seconds rest

2nd round:

45 seconds of work and rest

3rd round:

30 seconds of work and rest


2 x 1 min -- one leg wall squats, alternating every 10 seconds

Have a GREAT weekend!!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

CFG Welcomes Crystal...

Welcome to our CrossFit family, Crystal. Crystal brings a lot of energy and smiles into the gym, yes she smiles as she works hard. She wasn't sure CrossFit would work for her but she was hooked immediately. Who can blame her, right?


Share your first CrossFit experience in the comments section. We'd love to hear how you become hooked!


Deadlift 3-3-3


G.I. Jane

100 x burpee pull-ups

*10 minute cut off

Friday, March 18, 2011

Reminder: FREE Foam Rolling Clinic

A quick reminder that tomorrow (3/19/11) is the FREE FOAM ROLLING CLINIC at CFG given by Dr. Martin Jones of Airrosti: 11:00 am. Everyone is welcome.
We will be there by 9:00 am to get a workout in. This will be an Open Gym, members and non-members are welcome.
Hope to see you!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Not only is Josh a die-hard Crossfitter, he's just pure AWESOMENESS! For St. Patty's day, he showed up in his kilt!!

HSPU (yes, thankfully, he was wearing 'protection' under his kilt)


Look at his skirt catch the wind with his burpees! ;)

Throwing a 2 pood KB around is impressive...but doing it in a kilt is bad ass.
We HEART you, Josh!!


10 Rounds of--

10 x Box Jumps
10 x Sit Ups
10 x Push Ups

CASH OUT: 3 x 50m sprints


Press: 3-3-3 (70/80/90%)

5 Rounds of-

9 Burpee
12 KB Swing


CrossFit Games Open WOD #1

AMRAP in 10 min:

30 DU's
15 Power Snatch @ 75 lbs

Sunday, March 13, 2011

FREE: A Foam Rolling clinic...

CFG will host a FREE foam rolling clinic next Saturday, March 19th at 11 am. This class will be conducted by Dr. Martin Jones DC. Dr. Jones is an Airrosti practitioner who has been achieving some great results with several of our athletes. This class is free and open to anyone with an interest. It would be of particular benefit for parents of young athletes or anyone with the aches and pains that restrict their mobility.

If you have any questions, please contact us at

NOTE: This clinic would also be a WONDERFUL opportunity to ask Dr. Jones anything about Airrosti, the treatments and what they can do to help you.


Back Squat 3-3-3 (70-80-90 %)

7 Rounds of:

7 Pull-Ups
14 Goblet Squats (24/16 kg)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Many of you know that I've been going to Airrosti therapy for my shoulder and it's been awesome. I already knew it would work because people I trust told me it would. :) But today sealed the deal forever. Actually, the very fact that I can type this blog is amazing. You'd understand if I had taken a picture of my finger this morning. It was grotesquely swollen and bruised from when I injured it on Monday, gracefully falling off a plyobox and jamming/spraining (who knows?) my finger on the way down. I had an Airrosti appointment today (Wednesday) for my shoulder and back with Dr. Martin Jones of the Airrosti clinic here in Georgetown. I walk in and he immediately asks me what I did to my finger because I had it in a split. I rolled my eyes, explained how lame I was and showed him my finger. He said, "I can fix that." Wait...what? He repeats himself and then tells me, "But it's going to hurt a lot."

(The 'after' look! Aren't I cool??)
Ok, so it was painful to even look at my finger, to think about it, much less touch it. But I believed Dr. Jones and hoped I wouldn't cry. Rehab on a fresh injury felt beyond painful. I think I may have uttered something about it being worse than childbirth. I admit I had tears in my eyes. However, I went from not being able to curl my finger to bending it into a fist. It's not 100% finished, but wow---mobility, less pain, less swelling = Happy Ginger!
(note: it was only 'that' painful because it was a fresh injury. Not all treatment is painful!)

Dr. Jones worked my shoulder as well.

And my back. Tape runs all the way down to my lower back.
Wondering what the heck kind of tape this is and how it works. Go HERE to read all about it!

Here I am doing all my foam rolling that I'm supposed to do after treatment and after every workout. Foam rolling is a crucial element to recovery and anyone who has been into CFG knows we highly recommend it! NOTE: We will be hosting a Foam Rolling Clinic next week. More details about this coming but mark your calendars, Saturday, March 19th and 11 am.

By now, if you haven't already heard about and been sold on Airrosti treatment, you are thinking, 'What the heck is it?' Go HERE to read all about it. Basically it's rehabilitation for all soft tissue injuries. You can roll your ankle, hobble in on crutches with it looking like a swollen cantaloupe, and virtually bounce out of the clinic. What I love about this the most is that you feel better right away and you do not have to stop working out. Or in the case of sports, get treatment, don't miss a game!

This is the real deal! I do not endorse a lot. I have to love it, believe in it, and trust that it will help me and others to be compelled to spread the word and I'm spreading the word about Airrosti.