Friday, October 29, 2010

What do you look like after a CF workout?

Anyone who sends me a post-WOD picture, I'll put it on the blog next week. Let's see who's really leaving it all on the gym floor with nothing to spare. (no puke…everyone knows to go outside for that!!)

This is what Tanya looked like today. :)


Mr. Joshua

5 rounds:

30 sit-ups
15 Deads (225/185)


Hi/Low planks x 2 minutes, alternate every 10 seconds

Friday, October 22, 2010

WELCOME Tanya, Heather and Kathy to the 8:45 class!!

Our 8:45 am class is growing and what a GREAT group we have in there. Lots of hard work and tons of encouragement and support.

Tanya, who makes me smile every day about something.

Heather, works hard every day with a warrior spirit.

Kathy, who just finished her Elements today with the BEST attitude. Her progress is going to be inspiring.



Press 3 x 5


5 Rounds of:

7 Cleans
30 Squats


7 Rounds of--

8 KB swings
16 Push-Ups


3 x 20 (each leg!)

one-leg deadlifts

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

How low can you go?

We are taking a step back at CFG and going to refocus on full range of motion to achieve maximum depth in our lifts. Over time, this will increase your hip flexibility and in the case of OHS and front squats, your shoulder flexibility as well, not to mention what it's going to do for your hamstrings and glutes. Hell….it's going to help everything. So, next time we say, go lower, get your butt down…just do it, it's good for you!

(pardon the dark photo, but you get the idea)


3 x 5

(All RX depth, even if all you can do is the PVC pipe!)


5 Rounds:

10 Deadlifts (225/185)
10 Pull Ups
10 Burpees


Mermaid Twists (ask Jason) :)

Monday, October 18, 2010

CFG lifts Barbells for Boobs...

This past weekend, 5 members of CrossFit Georgetown drove up to CrossFit Centex in Belton to take part in a fundraiser to support 'mammograms in action'. They did "Grace" which is 30 Clean and Jerks for time.
Way to represent!!

(L to R) Dana, Molly, JJ, William and Josh


To celebrate Jason's 33rd birthday….

33 Double Unders
33 KB Swings (1.5 pood)
33 Sit Ups
33 Box Jumps
33 KB Cleans (1.5 pood)
33 KB Snatch (1.5 pood)
33 Push Press (40% of bodyweight)
33 RDL (40% of bodyweight)

Have Fun!! :)