As we at CrossFit Georgetown embark on a new Paleo Challenge for May, I'd like to recommend a great cookbook to give you wonderful Paleo recipes and much more to help you during the month and then going forward. Everyday Paleo by Sarah Fragoso was just released and is a fabulous resource for a healthy paleo lifestyle. Sarah also has a great Website/Blog that I personally follow for great ideas and tips.
Also, check out the STORE on the site for a lot of other Paleo cookbooks! There are options out there for eating healthy.

If any of you prepare a recipe from Sarah's cookbook or any other fantastic paleo dish, take a picture, do a write up about it and I'll post it to the blog. Let's share some great recipes this month. Eating healthy doesn't have to be a mystery. It's doable, fun, creative and simply what your body deserves!
WOD for Monday:
5 Rounds--
25 KB Swings
20 Wall Balls
15 Box Jumps
Body Challenge for May:
5 x 3 (sets) of Front Squats--hold rock bottom position for 5-10 seconds
Focus on EXTREME depth!!
Release Push-Ups (or advance, full-range HSPU) Do the number that corresponds with the day of the month. If you miss a day or jump in late, you have to 'buy in' by playing catch up. :)
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