Monday, July 27, 2009

CrossFit Georgetown on Vacation!!

Just a reminder that CrossFit Georgetown is closed this week. We will open again on August 3rd with all class times back in session. If you need to reach us for any reason, please email us at: put a smile on your face, here's a picture of Evan Hardt doing his WOD along with the rest of the class. He's about the cutest CrossFitter ever. :)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Have Boom....Will OHS

Greyson taking the boom back to the boat house but stops to do a few OHS with it. :)

5 rounds of--
15 x OHS

Friday, July 10, 2009

CrossFit Swimming!!

We've incorporated swimming into some summer WODS for those that are out of town. It's been really fun and different. Below is a picture of Gary and Greyson diving into their 2nd round.

21 Burpees
Swim appx. 150 feet
15 Burpees
Swim ~ 150 feet
9 Burpees
Swim ~ 150 feet

Monday, July 6, 2009

Vacation Work-Outs

It's really hard to push yourself on vacation. I mean, that's the time to relax right, take it easy...skip your workouts.'s not. Stay on your program. There's nothing quite like 'constantly varied' than to figure out how to get your WODs in on vacation. Different location, different equipment, totally different environment. And it's FUN! :)

Ken pushing through the WOD in TN. And I can tell you, since Ken happens to be where I am in TN, that this 400m run is no picnic. The first half is up a steep hill through the trees. Talk about a butt-blaster, coupled with all those thrusters...butt-on-fire!! :)
5 rounds of:
15 Thruster (95/65)
15 Pull-Up