A CrossFit workout has many stages. There's the show up, check out the white board and groan moment. There's the warm up and set up your area with your equipment stage. For some there is the pre-WOD 'potty break'. And commonly, we see this as the aftermath….

There is no question that they worked hard and gave it all they had in the tank. You have the choice every time you work out to push yourself to be better, be stronger, be faster … to give yourself the gift of doing your very best. And when you do, your body and your mind thank you!
REMINDER: Monday we will have our annual Memorial Day group workout at 9:30 am. No other classes will be held that day. This is always so much fun and quite popular. It's a chance to bring your family and friends and show them the awesome workout you've been doing. It's a chance, if you've never done CrossFit, to come out and see what it's all about. It's open to any and all who want to have fun with the CrossFit Georgetown crew.
Friday's WOD:
Running Bear
800 m
7 rounds of---using 45% of your body weight:
5 x Deadlift
5 x Hang Power Clean
5 x Thruster
Have a GREAT weekend and hope to see you Monday!