Friday, September 23, 2011

Friday Favorite

This week's Friday Favorite is all about jump ropes, specifically jump ropes which make it easier to learn the advanced skill of double-unders. The hot purchase item lately at CFG are these awesome ropes from RX Jump Ropes.

Molly's rope has the Elite 2.6 cable in blue with the blue Hawaiian handles. There are MANY OPTIONS! You will want to go to their site to check out the guidelines (they even have a video) for measuring to get your perfect length and choosing the appropriate cable for your skill level. They even have a Rx Jump Ropes Facebook page for you to 'like'.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Cool down time

Everyone has their own sort of 'cool down' time. This is a typical one for our dark-side class. :)
(Julie, Rick, Erin and Jason)
This picture really brings to mind the great community aspect of CrossFit. I love seeing people hang out before or after the workout. During the summer, many people traveled and the travel schedules varied so it wasn't until mid-August, when the kids returned to school, that the whole gang was together again. Someone commented that it felt like the first day of school and we all talked about what we did over summer break.

What does the community of CrossFit mean to you?

Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday's Favorite

Hi Gang. Today's Friday Favorite is a recipe for a great snack. It is my intention to have a recipe once a week. Today I'm making it a FF because it is so good it will become a favorite. This is Robin Newman's paleo trail mix which can also be treated like a granola or cereal. Take a close look at all that goodness pack in there.

You can choose any combination but here Robin used almonds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, pecans, cranberries, raisons and I think I see an occasional coconut chunk. Just go to the bulk foods and choose all your favorite nuts and seeds (unflavored and unsalted of course!). Dump it all in a bowl and drizzle with honey and mix. Spread onto a pan and bake at 350 for about 30-ish minutes, tossing and turning every 10 minutes. NOTE: Put the cranberries in at the end or they'll dry out in the oven and sprinkle 'a bit' of kosher salt over mix if you wish.
Sprouts will often have sales on their bulk foods. When they do, stock up and make a huge batch of this. What a great energy snack to take on the go and this would make a great homemade Christmas gift as well!
Have a great weekend!

Monday, September 12, 2011

School lunch, or garbage on a tray?

From what I saw today, it's the latter and the kids think so too!

I joined my daughter for lunch today at school because it's her birthday. It had been a long time since I sat through a school lunch and really looked around at what kids were eating. What a saw was a total lack of color and nutrients on trays laden with processed garbage. And the sad thing was, the kids were all saying it was gross too, and the many tossed their entire lunch in the trash.
I saw not a single vegetable. Not one! Nothing green, yellow or red. Wait, I did see one apple. The girl bit into it and spit it back out on her tray. It was mushy and bruised. On the rest of her tray … a bread stick, a giant roll, about 3 nasty-looking dried chicken nuggets, and mashed potatoes. The girl next to her picked some sort of 'ham' thing from the line. She dug around and finally unearthed a thin, floppy, greasy slice of ham. She ate it. I tried not to gag. Her little box did have a slice of cheese and now that I think about it, I saw some grapes alongside a hard breadstick. She ignored all of this. Down the row, I saw a girl eating a hotdog bun filled with shredded cheese. Are you grossed out yet?
I know there are efforts to improve school lunches. Thank goodness! But we need to work harder. The obesity epidemic in our country is out of control and it breaks my hearts to see school age children having to battle this problem. And it isn't just the schools at fault. I know they sometimes have a salad option (even if it's nutritionally devoid iceberg!). But the kids choose nachos instead!
Eating healthy should be the normal routine! And it shouldn't be too hard or too expensive to eat well. (I know sometimes it is and that's a whole other post.) The best thing you can do for your children is to teach them to love healthy food. To enjoy how it makes them feel energetic and strong. That's a gift that will benefit them their whole life!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Knock Knock --- Who's there? ---

We ARE!!


Sorry for the inexcusably long absence. We always disperse a bit in the summer and we're just now getting back into our groove now that the kids are back in school. And, how about this cooler weather!! Can I hear a WoooHoo! I know mid-90's is not exactly 'cool' but hey, it's all relative, right?
Way to go you CFG warriors who battled the ferocious heat this summer.
We are committed to getting this blog regular again. Our Facebook Page has daily action on it, usually the WOD is posted, but I'd like to do some special stuff here on the blog. I'm thinking of sharing our favorite items as they pertain to health and fitness. A person of the week. Maybe a PR day. I'd love to line up some guest bloggers. I'm brainstorming here and I hope to make the blog more informational and an extension of our fantastic family community we have at the gym.

I'll start off with Friday Favorites. On Fridays, I will post a 'favorite' item that someone will have submitted to me, along with a photo. We all find cool stuff we love, workout gear, jump ropes, wrist straps, Paleo and/or organic resources, websites … you get the idea. If you have a favorite, email me a picture, and link if that applies, what it is, why it's your favorite and any information on how to get it and I'll post in on a Favorite Friday.

Friday's Favorite:

My new water bottle that I LOVE! We have a ton of water bottles in our house. And I love a lot of them but this is my newest favorite. It's 24 oz, BPA free, has an easy one-click open and shut lid, non-leak … the whole shebang! I really love the drink spout because I don't have to squeeze the bottle, pop a little spout up with my dirty gym fingers and it's not so wide that I splash more water down my shirt than I drink. :) Come on--I'm NOT the only who does this. Admit it!

Here's the coolest thing. See those numbers on the side? Every time you refill your bottle, and you should be refilling many times a day, you move the indicator. This helps you make sure you are getting at least 100 ounces of water a day!
I got this one at Target for $9.99. I also saw it HEB for $9.00 in the back-to-school section.


If you have a Friday Favorite, email it to:

Have a GREAT weekend everyone!