We ARE!!

Sorry for the inexcusably long absence. We always disperse a bit in the summer and we're just now getting back into our groove now that the kids are back in school. And, how about this cooler weather!! Can I hear a WoooHoo! I know mid-90's is not exactly 'cool' but hey, it's all relative, right?
Way to go you CFG warriors who battled the ferocious heat this summer.
We are committed to getting this blog regular again. Our
Facebook Page has daily action on it, usually the WOD is posted, but I'd like to do some special stuff here on the blog. I'm thinking of sharing our favorite items as they pertain to health and fitness. A person of the week. Maybe a PR day. I'd love to line up some guest bloggers. I'm brainstorming here and I hope to make the blog more informational and an extension of our fantastic family community we have at the gym.
I'll start off with Friday Favorites. On Fridays, I will post a 'favorite' item that someone will have submitted to me, along with a photo. We all find cool stuff we love, workout gear, jump ropes, wrist straps, Paleo and/or organic resources, websites … you get the idea. If you have a favorite, email me a picture, and link if that applies, what it is, why it's your favorite and any information on how to get it and I'll post in on a Favorite Friday.
Friday's Favorite:

My new water bottle that I LOVE! We have a ton of water bottles in our house. And I love a lot of them but this is my newest favorite. It's 24 oz, BPA free, has an easy one-click open and shut lid, non-leak … the whole shebang! I really love the drink spout because I don't have to squeeze the bottle, pop a little spout up with my dirty gym fingers and it's not so wide that I splash more water down my shirt than I drink. :) Come on--I'm NOT the only who does this. Admit it!

Here's the coolest thing. See those numbers on the side? Every time you refill your bottle, and you should be refilling many times a day, you move the indicator. This helps you make sure you are getting at least 100 ounces of water a day!
I got this one at Target for $9.99. I also saw it HEB for $9.00 in the back-to-school section.
If you have a Friday Favorite, email it to: info@crossfitgeorgetown.com
Have a GREAT weekend everyone!