Monday, June 29, 2009

We heart burpees

Sandra...pushing through her burpees!


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Return to Strength Days after injury

Two months to the day from when Tommy dislocated his shoulder, he's back to strength day. We had him modify his rack position to accommodate his shoulder but it was great to see him lifting heavy again.

Added this picture of Duncan because I like it. He's showing his moves during the heissman warm-up.


Front Squat

Friday, June 19, 2009

Birthday Burpees--Kramer!

Yesterday was Kramer's 17th birthday. So, naturally he had to do his birthday burpees. In addition to that, he completed his last Elements class so he's officially graduated into the Clan. Woo!! We're happy to have you Kramer.

7 rounds for time of:
6 full power cleans
50 yd sprint

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Infinity Futbol Camp comes to CrossFit Georgetown

The boys from Infinity Futbol Camp came to CrossFit today for a workout, and boy did they work out as you can see in the picture below. Brad Matheny of Infinity Futbol runs the camp with the help of Brandon Williams. The boys have been having a blast all week. It was a pleasure to have them stop by for WOD. They did great! They were all respectful, enthusiastic and they pushed themselves hard. They can come back any time!


**The boys dubbed this workout '7-Up'.

In teams of 3 they completed for time:

7 Rounds of--

7 Burpees
7 Box Jumps
7 Air balls (wall balls with no wall)

**Only one teammate could work at a time, they sprinted from each element and tagged the next person after they'd finished their round.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Multi-tasking and good mechanics

I'm a multi-tasker. I love the feeling of getting a lot of things done at the same time. Just the efficiency of it thrills me. It's no wonder I'm addicted to CrossFit. I mean, what other workouts multi-task like CrossFit does? It a short amount of time, you may have done a lot of different things. You've worked out not a dinky, isolated body, you've worked out your whole body...multi-tasking at its best. I also love when we have a full class and they are all on different elements of a workout, doing their thing, pushing it. The energy in the gym at this time is sky-high and infectious. The pictures below are good examples of this.

You've got Bill in the back doing his press, David catching his breath mid-set, Ken finished because he's a wicked-fast runner and we try not to hate him for this...Kramer coming in from his run and heading to his bar and barely visible behind Kramer is Molly, executing wonderful form on her push-jerk. Check out her hip drive and power. Way to Go!!

Further on in the WOD now, Ken still cheering Molly on...who again, is showing great mechanics on her push-jerks...rock solid, Molly! My favorite in this shot is Bill in the back having a 'come to Jesus' moment. *grin*

Awesome work everyone!


AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
Max rep pull-ups

Monday, June 15, 2009

Welcome Notice

I don't know if I officially welcomed Lori to our family but in case I didn't...we're happy to have you with us!

And...we're thrilled to welcome Julie as well.
Run 400m
Press x 15
Run 400m
Push Press x 15
Run 400m
Push Jerk x 15

Friday, June 12, 2009

Get up on that bar!

One day we're going to have to see how many people we can get up on our bars at once. It's like our own personal jungle-gym. One of the best CrossFit toys!! Below is a picture of our early morning 'Dark Side' crew knocking out their KTE's.

'Mini' Barbara
5 Rounds for time of:
10 pull-ups
20 push-ups
30 sit-ups
40 squats
*rest 2 minutes between rounds

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Josh's new deadlift PR!

Last week we did Deadlifts. Amongst the cheers and fist-pumps for strength day, there was much postering and grunting and weight-swapping as everyone went for a new PR! Below is Josh who hit 365#!! Way to Go, Josh!!





OHS (95/65)